While using definition King discussing just and unjust laws in the judicial system then. A just law from King's words is, "a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God". King talks about an unjust law by saying, "a code that is out of harmony with the moral law". These definitions are used by King and how he discusses why segregation is so wrong and unnecessary. " segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong and awful." King says this discussing how he disagrees with segregation. Throughout King's letter he defines some of the words use to help the reader with his point of…
King frequently uses logic throughout his letter. He brought up many great facts and beliefs that sided with him. "We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was 'legal ' and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was 'illegal. '" (King Jr., 1963) Dr. King stated that even if he lived in a Communist country today he would disobey those laws that he thought were unjust, and would openly promote others to do the same. He explained to his fellow clergymen that it is sometimes better to disobey a law than to obey it. He broke laws that he felt were unjust and stated that others should abide by the laws that are just. During Dr. Kings entire letter he keeps a level head and does not play into the emotions that often come with a heated argument. His arguments were very heartfelt and…
There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws…
The first thing that Dr. King writes is what he thinks just and unjust laws mean. These two definitions gives us an idea of what he thinks just and unjust signify, before he goes deeper into the differences. Dr. King defines a just law as “any law that uplifts the human personality”. Dr. King is implying that if a law makes somebody feel good about themselves and makes them feel better, it is just. As used by Dr. King, just means reasonable, and…
In his “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, King talks about the difference between unjust and just laws. He tells us that everyone has a moral code to adhere to with accordance the laws that are just. Yet, the laws that are seen as unjust, should be unfollowed by the people. According to King, just law is a moral law or the law of God, whereas unjust law is made up by humans and does not have anything common with eternal and natural law. MLK would advise the people to disobey this act in any way possible, an unjust law is not one that should be followed. MLK was very adamant about this, the laws that are unfair to the people are meant to be disobeyed in order to hopefully change…
King describes the unjust laws to support how there were injustices in Birmingham, that were used to maintain the status quo. For example, King states “an unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law”, he specifically chose the word moral because the white moderate, or the clergy men are religious figures who identify with the moral code. In addition, he states “an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law” which he uses to describe how it’s naturally wrong, and unreasonable for them to put these laws into place, and it only serves the purpose to help the ones enforcing and creating the laws, helping them maintain the status quo. These unjust laws that are put in place in order…
For instance, King compared the difference between the just laws and the unjust laws to explain for his willingness to break laws: “An unjust law is a code … be considered democratically structured?” Here, King pointed out that the act of segregation was considered unjust because it was not democratically structured. Also, he believed that the laws could only be just when everyone was willing to follow it and it should be considered by all not just by the white society. In other words, by using the facts, King made a strong and convincing argument against the government, which supported the segregation law as a just law. Furthermore, King continued with his logic in saying that such unjust laws should not be preserved by using moral means: “So I have tried to make … right deed for the wrong reason.” Although King agreed that Mr. Connor and the policemen were doing the right thing in ending the protest in a nonviolent way, he pointed out it was ironic that they were in fact protecting an immoral end or injustice. In fact, King asked the clergymen to look outside for the true cause of his protest, which was to end the injustice in Birmingham, rather than commend the police for their good actions in preserving a wrongdoing.…
“A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of god (King).” Basically King is saying a just law is one that everyone can agree on to be morally right. Justice Rawls states justice as “The sense of justice is continuous with the love of mankind.” However, the more complicated question that Dr. King dissects is : What makes a law unjust. King suggests that an unjust law does not match up with morality. If a law degrades human personality it is unjust, giving the segregated a false sense of inferiority. (King). He also suggests that if the minority of a given law had no say in the democratic process of making this law, it is in no way…
To start off, Dr. Martin Luther King’s view for an unjust law is “a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.” (King 4) He believes that any law that degrades human personality is an unjust law. An unjust law is basically a code that inflicts on minority that is not binding itself. A concrete example of an unjust law is basically difference made legal. Another explanation of an unjust law by Dr. King is “An unjust law is a code inflicted upon a minority which that minority had no part in enacting or creating because it did not have that unhampered right to vote” (King 4). In King’s letter, he describes how the segregation law in Alabama was not democratically elected. He does this by stating that throughout the state of Alabama there are many methods used to prevent Negroes from voting, or even becoming registered voters. He also explains how there are some states and countries without a single Negro registered to vote despite the fact that Negroes constitute a majority of the population in most states and countries. Dr. King stated in his letter that he was arrested for a charge of parading without a permit. This is an example of a law that is just on its face and unjust in its application. Of course, the law is the law and there is nothing worng with the ordinance on parading without a permit, but when the ordinance is used to prevent just,…
King says, “Hence segregation is not only politically, economically and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong and sinful”(13). King uses “God Law”(morals) to explain why segregations needs to stop. God always pushes you to do the moral choice, so why have all these church leaders chosen to head down the morally wrong path? The law itself it's okay because it is an unjust law, but it is morally wrong. But what is the difference between a just law and an unjust law? King explains that very well. The clergymen wants to know why they chose to follow some laws and disregard the rest. A just law is any law that makes you a better person, an unjust law does the opposite. That’s why king chose to follow only some laws; he was making the moral choice, and did what was right in his eyes. So when he was protesting, yes it was illegal for him to do, but in his heart it was the right…
While the 1954 Supreme court decision outlining segregation in public schools improved because of the “Law’ and not because of “moral” acceptance. Dr. King is specific in describing two types of laws: the just laws, and unjust laws. Dr. King referred to St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all”. He connected just laws to moral law or the law of God. He described an unjust law as a man-made code that does not kinship or is out of harmony with the moral law rooted in eternal or natural law. King makes the difference clear by describing an unjust law as not binding on the majority of people or itself. The majority follows a just law and minority as well, equal and distributed…
King says an unjust law is “a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself….difference made legal.”…
A just law is a law that is morally and ethically right. King quotes St Thomas Aquinas in his “Letter From Birmingham Jail” as he describes a just law as “a manmade code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.” The arrest of MLK did not follow that code. King was not disagreeing with the fact that he was arrested for a just law. He was arguing that law enforcement officials were using the law to segregate and deny citizens the first amendment, which deals with the privilege of peaceful assembly and protest. King willingly broke the law that day because he strongly believed in what he was doing. Also, in his opinion, he believed it was a morally wrong law.…
Should we obey the law? Following the rules is something that is often emphasized from a very young age. However, there are cases when choosing to break the rules is the right thing to do. It is sometimes necessary to disobey the law.…
Naturally, the law itself, literally speaking, cannot protect people, but, laws are made up as we go along (evolve socially) in order to set guidelines or "rules" for each of us to live by; thereby in a sense of the word, protecting us all from each other. Laws are carefully thought out and engineered as need arises to provide, basically, safety and financial security. Once in place, they are enforced by various levels of government. This system works only if everyone adheres to the rules, and, for the most part, we do; however there are those who either forget or intentionally ignore the law for their own selfish gains. A simple example is the person who is speeding in their car. If, for any given situation, there is a "law" or "rule", stop and fully consider how NOT obeying the rule might negatively impact or hurt another person. Then reverse the situation and consider that YOU might be that person.…