War brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery, disease and starvation, poverty and ruin in its wake. Although war may not always be the first answer or the most beneficial, it is an inescapable evil because war has brought the world peace and prosperity while banding people together to fight for a cause. It leads to national growth and solves domestic problems between countries; Injustice and tyranny can be quelled as the aftereffect of war. On the contrary, war includes loss of human life, spreads of diseases, and induces a feeling of anxiety and dismay among communities. The brutal sacrifices that innocent people undergo may not be worth the outcome.…
Wars are very harmful phenomena that cause pain and harm to all of the people that…
War is a constant debate of right and wrong. Throughout the ages war had been everlasting battles fought and battles lost. Lives are sacrificed for the cause of men. One of the most well known wars of all time World War II was a constant struggle for world power. On one side of the world the Germans fighting in the east and the Japanese in the west. The end of the war was brought on by new technology and the decision to change the world. People ask if it was necessary to drop the bombs on Japan. Truman made a decision that saved the lives of American Soldiers as well as Japanese soldiers. If it wasn't for the lives saved, the Technology developed and the Decision made the world would not have devolved as fast as it has.…
To most people war is a way that we settle disputes with other nations, but they don’t fully understand the intricate details that go along with it. Its not just about the guns, gernades and tanks, it brings out different aspects of soldiers personalities and I think should be more focused on the hardships that individual and groups of soldiers endure. The horrific situations that soldiers undergo can cause different types of actions that they would take because war is contradictory. Soldiers experience unimaginable stress that can make them appear weak or strong. Which is the biggest contradiction that war presents; war makes you strong and war makes you weak. There are numerous examples which can easily be found in the book The things they carried by Tim O’brien. Two stories that demonstrate it best are “the man I killed” and “speaking of courage.” Looking back through history also farther promotes the idea, like when America created the atomic bomb, and started a draft.…
To conclude, there is no doubt that the conflict of war is a useless encounter that affects many innocent people’s lives, the economic stability and physiological wellbeing of soldiers. It is evident that in some circumstances society makes war to ensure peace, and on the surface this seems rational, even plausible. However, in reality throughout the journey there is a great human and economic cost…
War is a horrible act that is fully capable of leaving scars on innocent people at horrifying scales, and can change how we see others just by the way that they were involved. War is capable of changing the perspective of entire societies.…
This juggernaut of war has crushed millions of humankind. Its savagery and decadence is consummate. Such butchery has patently marked all the wars of this century and before. This cannibalization of mankind on its own is unparalleled. Scenes of human massacre that few persons would believe will be imprinted perpetually in the minds of the combatants. Many of those who experience the immoral, offensive and degrading trauma of war can be physically and psychologically scared indefinitely. Their sense of what is right and wrong is in constant conflict. The tragedy of war and incomprehensible death will change whoever you thought you were and whatever you think you will become when you encounter…
War can be defined as "an active struggle between competing entities. It's truly hard to tell who is right or wrong during a war. Both sides are fighting for what they believe in and what is true to their heart. In the end there is always two things promised destruction and death. These two objects can explain the result in every facet of war from the physical to emotional.…
Throughout history there have been many philosophers, psychologists, politicians, and historians who have studied warfare, the ethos…
Many people believe that wars do not always have a valid reason to be fought. Some of the arguments are that it brings death of civilians that could have been avoided. But in truth, people die every day. War may cause some harmful things, but, if you think about it, don’t people? I believe, and encourage you to believe with me, that wars are in fact necessary. Not just because we are fighting for what we believe in, but good things do come of war. Such as brotherhood, patriotism to your country, and also unifies our country as a whole by us coming together.…
War presents a very complex moral dilemma. While it is necessary to fight for freedom, a better world, and what is right, war contradicts itself. The very same soldiers that fight in defense of these values have them taken away because of their experiences at war. The negative effects are just as big as the positive effects of war. A nation can never really win in war because of this. Instead war just stays a neutral thing.…
Human beings have been fighting with each other since prehistoric times, and people have been discussing the rights and wrongs of it. The Ethics of War begins by assuming that war is a bad thing, and should be avoided if possible, but there can be situations when war may be catastrophic. War is a bad thing because it involves deliberately killing or injuring people, and this is a fundamental wrong. The purpose of war ethics is to help decide what is right or wrong, both for individuals and countries, and to contribute to debates on public policy, and ultimately to government and individual action.…
What is war? Many of us have no idea and haven’t been directly affected by combat. For a lot of people, war is a lonely, cold, dangerous time, where family members are lost in a tragic battle. War splits families and friends, causes physiological damage to those in battle, and kills innocent citizens caught in the middle.…
War to me is painless it has no feelings or remorse for anybody or anything that crosses its path and will not stop for anything unless its purpose its fulfilled. We live in a time of war and ever since I was born I have always seen it around me and the society I live in. Thankfully I have never been a victim but I do have family members that have paid the maximum price for it. War is death and it will kill anything that crosses its path.…
(Return to CO.Quaker.org Home Page) 2013-07-09T16:58:18#BeginEditable "Heading" Just and Unjust War2013-07-09T16:58:18#EndEditable 2013-07-09T16:58:18#BeginEditable "body" by Howard ZinnReprinted (with permission of the author) from the book Declarations of Independence, (...also found in The Zinn Reader, and Howard Zinn on War) I enlisted in the Army Air Corps in World War II and was an eager bombardier, determined to do everything I could to help defeat fascism. Yet, at the end of the war, when I collected my little mementos--my photos, logs of some of my missions--I wrote on the folder, without really thinking, and surprising myself: "Never Again." In the years after the war, I began to plumb the reasons for that spontaneous reaction, and came to the conclusions which I describe in the following essay, published as a chapter in my book Declarations of Independence (HarperCollins, 1990). Years before (in Postwar America, Bobbs Merrill, 1973), I had written an essay called "The Best of Wars," in which I questioned--I was unaware of anyone else asking the same question--the total acceptance of World War II. After my own experience in that war, I had moved away from my own rather orthodox view that there are just wars and unjust wars, to a universal rejection of war as a solution to any human problem. Of all the positions I have taken over the years on questions of history and politics, this has undoubtedly aroused the most controversy. It is obviously a difficult viewpoint to present persuasively. I try to do that here, and leave it to the reader to judge whether I have succeeded. There are some people who do not question war. In 1972, the general who was head of the U.S. Strategic Air Command told an interviewer, "I've been asked often about my moral scruples if I had to send the planes out with hydrogen bombs. My answer is always the same. I would be concerned only with my professional responsibility." It was a Machiavellian reply. Machiavelli did not ask if…