I chose the poem ‘The Raven’ by Edgar Allan Poe. I decided to write a prequel of this poem, to give more depth to the poem, and to the themes shown in the poem. My prequel recounts the story of Lenore’s death, from the narrator’s perspective.…
Spiritual health: dealing with spiritual health, its like a positive input on how you want to control your life.…
The definition of mindfulness that is going to be used for this paper is that “mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. (Greater Good Foundation, 2013) “Although mindfulness originated as a Buddhist meditation practice (Kabat Zinn, 2003 p 145), its secular adaptations have recently received a great deal of interest in Western empirical phycology…
Mindfulness is a state of conscious awareness following from living in the moment (Brown & Ryan, 2003: Kabat-Zinn, 1994), drawing more attention in recent years from researchers as well as practitioners. Reasons behind can be attributed to the beneficial effects mindfulness has on emotion regulation as well as interpersonal and cognitive abilities.…
Meditation is a practice that is found in some form across religions and continents, it is a concept that has been around for ages. Meditation has many positive effects on its participants ranging from the emotion level through increased positive emotions, better emotional regulation, and better socioemotional adaptability, cognitive level by modifying our perception of pain and stress, and on the physiological level by altering our heart rate, altering our brain functioning, and actually altering some of our brain structure to better deal with pain. Meditation is not mysticism but rather science that is starting to be uncovered.…
meditating. It is perfect for those who have never meditated before, but there is still a lot of…
Peter Jackson recently directed a trilogy of movies that are an adaptation of the book The Hobbit. There are some disappointments in the films such as the additional characters and storylines. Some of the supplementary storyline does help to serve as a backstory and shed light on why the characters are undertaking what they are on the expedition. However a majority of the additions to the movie only function to confuse the watcher on what was happening and generate action for the spectators when the story lulled. Examples of these unnecessary additions are the love triangle between Legolas, Tauriel, and Kili as well as the Pale Orc.…
Growing up, my mother always preached to me the importance of mindfulness. This happens to be a big theme in the Dhammapada, as it states that to achieving nirvana and following the path…
In the last few decades there has been an incredible influx of interest concerning mindfulness, and it’s augmentation regarding mental health & well being, physical health, behavioural regulation, and interpersonal relationships (Brown et al, 2007).…
Mindfulness Exercises: (important to present multiple options to patients and let them know to choose what works best for them)…
Motivation may be defined as psychological forces that determine the direction of a person’s behavior in an organization. Motivation is central to management because it explains why people behave the way they do. A persons’ behavior tells how motivated they are to do their job at a higher performance level. There is intrinsically and extrinsic sources for motivation (Gareth, 2009) There are also two motivational theories which explains how an employee can be motivated.…
Langer, E. J., & Moldoveanu, M. (2000). The construct of mindfulness []. Journal of Social Issues, 56(1), 1-9. Retrieved from…
There are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. An individual is extrinsically motivated when they are motived by the environment or consequences. Such motivation can come in the form of money, food, attention, privileges, etc. Intrinsically motivated individuals are motivated by their own interests and capacities (Reeve, 2009). One would say that they do an activity because it interests them. Intrinsic motivation comes from certain psychology needs that every person has within them. This paper will discuss the three types of psychological needs which are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Those needs will then be tied into intrinsic motivation and how that affects the life of a Christian.…
Sheng Siong was founded by Mr Lim Hock Chee. After ending his business selling pork in 1985, Lim founded Sheng Siong 's foremost operation in a single shop house unit. Sheng Siong has a current chain of 33 supermarkets, in Singapore. The goal of Sheng Siong is to provide communities in which they conduct quality products at acceptable prices together with value added services provide by their employees to the customers. Sheng Siong vision is to be the preferred retailer in the market, starting from its own ground, Singapore and further on.…
Motivation in an organizational context is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity (how hard the person tries), direction (the orientation that benefits the organization), and persistence of effort (how long a person can maintain his/her effort) toward attaining a goal.…