Circle up at 1:30 to watch Unlocking the Power of Coal and Iron. Which note taking method will you use to prepare for discussion?
What I posted:
The industrial revolution britain germany and america got ahead because they had new inventions that helped them make more stuff cheaper. They had to invest in massive machines so that they could make products faster and sell them in large amount. They also developed better transportation which made it easier to transport goods. They used coal to power a lot of these new inventions using the steam engine. There was also a new demand for goods which made it worth it to produce so many products. Europeans used windmills to get more energy. There was more crops …show more content…
being transported from the “new world” to europe which gave them more food and had fewer people starving.
Charcoal is almost pure carbon making it burn at a higher point and give off more energy. Coal gives off more heat and so it was the chosen fuel for the industrial revolution. The Chinese first used coal and then it was spread around the world. Coal creates a lot of smoke and it is hard to light so some people still used charcoal and wood which had a lower burning point. People tried to refine coal and they got cokes which were mainly carbon and burned at a higher point for longer. They also used wagon ways which were the start of railroads. They found ways to change iron so that it was more efficient. Cast iron is brittle so it was used for nails and such. They used windmills for grinding crops and then those were used in beer and other items. Darby refined iron so that people could practically use it. People began
using it to make parts, beams, bridges, etc… Iron was used in many items because it they were now able to melt it and mold it so that it was in the right shape for everything they needed to make.
Was Iron or coal more significant to the industrial revolution?
Discussion #8
If your only choice was to eliminate the patent system or leave it as it is, what would you do and why? Answer in 100 excellent words or more.
What I posted
I would eliminate the patent system. It is holding back the great and rewarding the greedy. Many people try to change the world with their innovations, but are stopped because they would have to pay upwards of $200 million. If it was eliminated, there would still be copyrights so that people could not just straight up copy a successful company. It might even help the economy because it would engage more competitive and the companies would have to improve some aspect of it to not go under. It could stop monopolies and give small business a chance. The patents now are holding people back when they want to be free to make their products. If we get rid of it than we can invent more than ever.
Discussion #9
Is fresh locally grown food safer, more efficient, or better for the environment than industrial agricultural production?
What I posted
It is only better for the environment. It is much less efficient and they do not use all the precautions that a large company would use to keep it safe. They do not use preservatives like a large company would, the industrial agricultural production is not as safe as locally grown food because they over produce animals, like cows that actually are worse than a car. They produce about 50 gallons of methane a day. To add to that there are 1.4 billion of them. There is no way that they are more efficient because the reason there are industrial producers is because they are more efficient which is what the majority want.