
UNODC DUNMUN 2014 Study Guide

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UNODC DUNMUN 2014 Study Guide
“Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development”

 Illicit Trade of Narcotic Drugs
 Human Trafficking
UNODC | Dhaka University National Model United Nations 2014




Letter from the Executive Board
Agenda A
Questions for Discussion for Agenda A
Agenda B
Questions for Discussion for Agenda B

UNODC | Dhaka University National Model United Nations 2014


Letter from the Chair
Dear Delegates,
My fellow chair and I decided to propose two interesting topics of much importance to all UNODC member states. They will require your thorough research and full participation. Keeping in mind that our collaboration‟s main goals are Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development, it is a great honour for me to participate as your Chairperson in the sessions. I am delighted to share this experience with Nafisa
Talukder as my Vice-Chairperson. It is my privilege to welcome you all, to the United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime (UNODC) committee.
I look forward to meeting you all soon

Alif Hossain UNODC | Dhaka University National Model United Nations 2014


Letter from the vice-chairperson
Dear Delegates,
Welcome to the UNODC. This is a committee where we are going to discuss about drugs and crime and the effect of these two maladaptive behaviours. This time the Dias have chosen two specific topics to discuss about. We hope that discussion on these two topics will help the empowerment of youth and will bring sustainable development. I feel privileged to have Alif Hossain as the chair person in this committee. We hope to get some serious discussions and interesting committee sessions.
Excited to meet you all soon.
Nafisa Talukder UNODC | Dhaka University National Model United Nations 2014



What is UNODC?
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime was established in 1997 as the Office for 'Drug Control and
Crime Prevention' by combining the United

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