Mustapha reveals to Helmholtz: “‘all the people who aren’t satisfied with orthodoxy, who’ve got independent ideas of their own. Every one, in a word, who’s any one, I almost envy you, Mr. Watson” (Huxley 227). Mond is envy of Helmholtz because he almost wants to be on an island with unorthodox people like himself. The only reason he stayed back was because he had a choice to become the World State Controller. Mustapha was found to be unorthodox because he was doing some bad science: “’I started doing a bit of cooking on my own. Unorthodox cooking, illicit cooking. A bit of real science, in fact’” (Huxley 226). Mustapha Mond was found doing unorthodox cooking and was then giving the choice of the island or being a World State
Mustapha reveals to Helmholtz: “‘all the people who aren’t satisfied with orthodoxy, who’ve got independent ideas of their own. Every one, in a word, who’s any one, I almost envy you, Mr. Watson” (Huxley 227). Mond is envy of Helmholtz because he almost wants to be on an island with unorthodox people like himself. The only reason he stayed back was because he had a choice to become the World State Controller. Mustapha was found to be unorthodox because he was doing some bad science: “’I started doing a bit of cooking on my own. Unorthodox cooking, illicit cooking. A bit of real science, in fact’” (Huxley 226). Mustapha Mond was found doing unorthodox cooking and was then giving the choice of the island or being a World State