
Unorthodoxy In 1984

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Unorthodoxy In 1984
George Orwell uses setting to help create a dystopic world by establishing the lack of freedom in the 1984 society. Firstly, it is depicted that there is no loving relationship between parents and their children in society due to the Party’s overbearing control. The distrustful relationship between family members is highlighted in how Ms Parson’s children “would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy” (29). The characterisation of the children and how they would be willing to betray their own parents demonstrates the power that the Party holds over younger generations and the illustrates the lack of freedom parents have and how they are not even safe within their own homes. This aspect of the setting will also cause the …show more content…
The manipulative diction expresses to the reader that the Party pushes Newspeak upon its people to control them and to limit their freedoms of communication in every aspect of their life. A real-life comparison to Newspeak would be the limitation of free speech where countries ban words and make it illegal for anyone to use them. Newspeak appears to be Orwell’s more extreme interpretation, as Newspeak outright prevents the citizens from thinking or being able to form sentences of unorthodoxy since the vocabulary simply does not exist, demonstrating that the society in 1984 has less freedom than those that live in the harshest dictatorship in today’s world. Finally, Orwell creates a dystopian society by the establishment of classism and borderline slavery through how “the Party taught that the proles were natural inferiors who must be kept in subjection, like animals …) (82). The simile that compares the proles to ‘animals’ clarifies the rampant inequality and social divides that have been set into place by the Party to establish control and limit the freedoms of the all of their citizens (not simply the proles or members of the

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