Technology is the practical application of science to commerce or industry. It plays an important role in people's lives through home, school, medical, and business uses. Smartphones have become more and more necessary to people's life demands. A smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile computing platform with more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a feature phone. It affects on people, relationships and society in both good and bad ways. However some people have allowed the phone to overtake their lives. I interviewed two of my class mates, as well as my daughter on their uses of their smartphones. And this is the information I have gathered.…
I completed the 24 hour unplugged assignment Wednesday October 18th. I was actually about to stay completely offline all day. The only exception is that I am a baseball players at LSUA and if our coach text us then I had to check and respond to that but other than that one thing I was able to stay off for the full 24 hours. I gave up texting, checking sports scores, games on phone, and social media. The only activity I couldn’t give up was if my coach was texting us. To me the most difficult challenge was whenever there was some free time it was hard to not pull out my phone and play on the phone. I noticed that I was more productive throughout the day without my phone. It was easier to study without my cell phone or computer there to distract…
Everyday people get messages or emails on their phones that they must check to keep in touch with their everyday lives. But most of the time people are using their appliances at dangerous times just because they need to be up to date with every single thing going on around them. Using electronics at terrible times has led to many accidents, “Every year, thousands of pedestrians are injured as they walk in cities. Some researchers say 1 out of 10 of those injuries are caused by a distracting mobile device such as a phone or portable music player”( “Hello Barbie, Goodbye Privacy?”). People are using devices at wrong times and getting hurt because of it. They cannot look away from their phone because there is a whole other world in their hands. Appliances are wanted by all generations, but are not necessary. Similarly, in Fahrenheit 451 the characters are addicted to screens and cannot look away from them for even a minute, " 'Will you turn the parlour off?' he asked. 'That's my family' "(Bradbury 46). Mildred is so connected to the television that she calls it her family and will not look away from it for any amount of time. She is such an addict that she cannot turn it off. The society Bradbury has created is not healthy for people of any age or any style. He proves that automation is hurting us…
Some people might say that technology is a definite positive development with only positive changes. However, although the technological advance have been and is extremely helpful to everyone around the world, people need to think about how people can be too consumed in the technology that they can isolate themselves from the outside world even. Having fun with technology is normal, but we must not forget how to really communicate without the use of texting or email. Communicating face-to-face should be a key skill humans should never lose. The saying, “having too much of a good thing, can be bad,”…
Technology has replaced what was once common for people to engage in, such as manually washing clothes and dishes, face-to-face communication, and using candle powered light. People of the United States feel compelled to possess all kinds of technology so as to make their lives more convenient. Having a smartphone is now viewed as a necessity, and something that people assume everyone owns. Even in schools those who do not have smartphones are somewhat outcasts when a teacher asks the whole class to pull out their phones. Part of the American Dream is materialistic—owning the finest of things, such as the best technological devices. The conformity of United States citizens since World War II to seek materialistic pursuits has given technology power over the lifestyles of Americans. Nowadays people cannot live without their technological devices, they have become weak and dependent upon technology, consequently giving it all the power over them and the American lifestyle. Without technology, people are unable to do the most colloquial of tasks, such as using a dictionary to look up a word, travelling without the luxuries of a car or airplane, and not rely on running water. By conforming to society’s materialistic goal of acquiring the best technological gadgets, Americans have given technology complete power over their selves and would not be able to function without…
The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way humans exist. From the innovation of medical technology to the further development of phones and computers, it has proven to be life altering in many aspects. While it is true that the advantages of modern-day technology cannot, nor should be dismissed, some of the disadvantages must as equally importantly be acknowledged. Although many argue the contrary, there are many reasons to believe that phones, and texting in particular, can and have resulted in a disconnect within families, friendships, and an overall disconnect with the world.…
The most noticeable danger of technology is how it isolates people, which can impact relationships and health. All around the world, people spend significant parts of the day plugged into computer terminals, wearing headphones, or absorbed into their smartphones, which block out the outside world. Social media cuts off human interactions, which can affect relationships between family and friends. In a recent study, scientists found out that the human brain becomes less concerned with interactions and highly concerned with self-preservation. People become more interested with Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat notifications rather than spending time with others. Without these relationships it damages one’s health. Not only does technology change behavior, but the children using smartphones now have a risk of brain cancer. Studies show children developing a risk of cancer because of radiofrequency exposure from cell phones. Additionally, technology can be very convenient at times, it seems to cause a lack of activity, and human reliability brought on by the gradual use of digital products. For example, the 2008 film Wall-E, shows the negative impact of technology in the future when Earth has become a corrupt wasteland. The humans’ artificial lifestyle on the Axion (spaceship where the humans live) has separated them from nature, making them…
“I cannot imagine how I would live without it.” These are the words uttered by countless teenagers and adults about the technology they use to enhance their daily lives. It is hard to remember the days of lugging around CD’s and walk-mans. Bicycles as transportation seem like a thing of the past. Writing notes and remembering information for the next day is long forgotten. Reading encyclopedias and using books for research papers seems nonexistent. Simple technological advancements have changed how people view the world. As a child of a modern age, technology has become an integral part of my everyday life. A separation of these technical innovations…
Everyone I know, myself included, relies to heavily on technology. When my iPhone reaches a level below 25% battery it makes me nervous. I begin to question, what will I do without my phone, what if someone posts something on Facebook, or tags me in a tweet? A couple of years ago I was involved in a research project. I let my phone, computer and iPod die and didn’t charge them for 48 hours to see what I would do with my time instead of face book, twitter, and other useless time-fillers all contained within this small computer. On top of that I unplugged my television and did not touch any of my electronics for a whole day. That one day was one of the most productive I have ever had. I finished all my homework completely and thoroughly in what felt like no time at all. When I took a break from doing my work I had nothing to do except think; which I loved. I thought, I drew, I read, I talked and I had a great day. I never thought that I could survive the day without technology but I did more that…
With a career that heavily relies on technology, I reasonably challenged myself to refrain from using technology on a Sunday. What I learned was quite surprising and honestly, quite stressful. First, to appreciate the challenges I endured on this Sunday, it is crucial to know a little bit about my professional background. As a licensed mortgage loan originator, I have a fiduciary duty to all of my clients that are purchasing a home. While my career requires a large set of professional requirements, the most valuable aspect to being successful is to be available nearly 24 hours a day every day of the week. Going into this project, I knew that refraining from using technology, specifically my phone and the computer, would prove to be challenging but at the same time I figured…
In today’s day and age, my generation is conveniently dubbed “a digital nation” due to the constant development of new technology from cell phones, computers, social networking sites, etc. My peers and I are named “digital natives”, as we have a steadfast need to maintain connected at all times with the use of these mechanisms. Around the world this is being discusses as some people feel that technology has began to have a negative effect on society, and on the other side of the table, others feel that technology has only enriched our lives. A documentary published by PBS entitled “Digital Nation: Life on the digital frontier,” explores various aspects of life and the different ways our dependence on technology affects it.…
As of February 18, 2008, SoundBuzz Pte., Ltd. was acquired by Motorola, Inc. SoundBuzz Pte., Ltd. operates as an online and mobile music company in South East Asia, Australia, Hong Kong, India, and the People’s Republic of China. The company operates online and mobile music retail stores. It offers downloadable music and videos, back-end technology, digital rights clearances, and acquisition of licenses from music publishers and recording companies. The company’s catalogue includes various tracks and mobile music derivatives. Its online music stores are distributed through and Windows Media Player 10. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Singapore, Singapore.…
The first argument that explains why technology isolates people is the relationship that is built between the technological artifact and the individual. From a utilitarian view, technology is considered positive as it makes everyone “happy” with their own inner world. In this case, technology maximizes the “happiness” that one may find in his/her relation with their lovely device. However, although this invention can bring joy to an individual’s life, it has a major drawback on the other hand. Let us illustrate this by the example of the ipod, which has been criticized by Joseph C Pitt in his article “Don’t Talk to Me”. The ipod has a special relationship with each individual who owns it. Some of us consider the ipod as a means of disconnecting from the outside world. In other words, being able to listen only to it and not to others can sometimes make an individuals’ life better by helping him or her avoid the sound of people’s quarrels in downtown for example. The latter ideas might seem appealing, but at the end of the day, this person feels there is a new gap that took place between him or her self and the others. This gap is created because the consumer of the artifact spent the day interacting with his/her electronic device, ignoring the world around him or her. This victim of technology has made his or her life excessively reliant on it, as he or she has more and…
Every day people are hit constantly by a bombardment of online media. It used to be that people would see billboards, TV commercials and magazine, but with advancement of technology people remain wired into the internet 24/7. “Smartphones” are a great example of a device that promotes constant connections. It enables people to be connected to online media at all times. The effects that this constant connection has had on people in general are life changing. We can certainly agree that the lives of everyone who has access to these connections will change over time.…
Nowadays, our generation is more ‘connected’ than ever. Cell phones, laptops, computers, tablets-some things that were unheard of just a few years ago, have manifested themselves in the lives of many in our society today, now considered a ‘necessity’. Though they claim to make our lives easier, personal technology like phones, computers, TV’s and cars will simplify tasks, make people less independent, and drastically change their lives. The growing dependence society has on personal technology is a detrimental path that is shrinking peoples brain capacities, contributing to long term health issues, and isolating them from society.…