Unit 4-P3
Explain the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable major life events on the development of an individual.
The two unpredictable life events I am going to focus on in Michael Jackson’s life are his abuse and divorce.
Abuse Bullying
As a young child Michael suffered abuse and enforcement to succeed by his father. Michael has said that this has affected his physical development as there had been times when his father would come to see him and he would be sick. This was just from the fear he had of his father hurting him if he did not do well. Michael’s dad used to sit in a chair with a belt, watching him and his brother’s rehearsing. This was to deter them from not doing it right and if they did get it wrong he would get them. Not only from Michael being sick did we see an effect on his physical development but also his appearance change as he development into a young man. Michael’s dad often picked on him as a young boy and the most famous statement he made was about his ‘big nose’. This has affected his physical development as an adult as Michael had plastic surgery on his nose. It could have been a result of being unhappy with the way he looked as he had been picked on for it. This bullying Michael had gone through would have affected his self-confidence as we can see from how he was not happy with the way he looked. It would have led to Michael feeling very insecure, self-conscious and lonely.
Family Dysfunction
Loneliness would have played a big part of Michael’s childhood. With the abuse he received from his father, it is clear that he came from a dysfunctional family. No genetic and biological factors would have played a part in Michael feeling this way. It is due to environmental influences around him such as the dysfunctional family and bullying. He has said in an interview that he often used to cry from loneliness and felt more comfortable on stage. He also says he wished he could walk away and be