Unprepared College Students Carla Williams-Com220 Scott Downing-Instructor April 25, 2010
Unprepared College Students
Carla Williams
COM 220
For most students, making it through high school seems like one of life’s most important accomplishments. And to others, the thought of gaining a college degree is a dream that has come true. Students that aspire to go to college are often unprepared to go to college for the lack of a challenging curriculum offered during the four years of high school.
The problem with new college students is that some of them leave high school unprepared to take college level classes. New college students are excited and eager to head off into the next phase of their life only to become discouraged by rigorous college level courses. In the state of Texas, upon entering high school, the student meets with a guidance counselor to discuss class scheduling. The student’s academic ability usually decides which classes are compatible for them. It is important for the student to choose a plan or schedule because it affects the number of credits and focuses on Career and Technology education (CTE). The CTE was incorporated into the high school scheduling system to lower the drop out rate and potentially earn 10% more than non CTE participants according to a 2005 National Research and Technical Education Center report. According to the study by NCCTE in 2002, CTE concentrators usually have more math than general education concentrators and tend to do better on national test. The classes are designed to make the transition into college easier. Remedial classes are often used to stress the basics in a subject such as math or English. They are useful in helping students who are having problems with advanced concepts fully understand the basis of a subject. Remedial classes are often looked upon as shameful or embarrassing, but they can in fact be useful tools to a more complete
References: Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/02/education/02college.html Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.docstoc.com/docs4976679/Scheduling-Options-and-the-Recommended-High-School-Plan/ Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.usatoday.comws/education/2005-02-02-college-cover_x.htm Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/stories/032110dnmetremedial.417d43c.html Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6448200.html Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/site/c.lvIXIiN0JwE/b.5056861/k.F9C3/Welcome_to_the_Center_for_Public_Education.htm Retrieved April 2010 from, http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/tif/public.html Legislative Analyst’s Office Cal Facts 2004 www.lao.ca.gov/.../education/hied_014.gif Gray, K., Wang, W. J., & Malizia, S. (1995). Is vocational education still necessary? Investigating the educational effectiveness of the college tech prep curriculum. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 32(2), 6-29