The article,”Let Kids Run Wild Online,” the author, Danah Boyd discusses the issue with overprotective parents who constantly restrict their child’s freedom, especially now with technology being the new field for kids in today’s century. Parent’s are quite often viewed as overprotective and desperate to be involved in their child's lives, however, this isn’t necessarily bad. Contrary to Boyd’s argument, children should not be allowed to “run wild online,” for their are many consequences and negative outcomes to this matter. Firstly, children, who are main focus of this Body’s prompt, aren’t at the appropriate age to understand the the dangers of online activities, or many don’t take it serious or into consideration. Secondly, parents aren’t…
Harlen Coben, editorial,¨Undercover Parent ¨( March 16,2008 ), claims that parents should monitor their teens and what they do on the internet. The author started off being against this idea, but then he sat down at a dinner with his friends whom convinced him otherwise. The author backs up his reasons after his anecdote. The authors purpose of this article is to make sure that parents are doing their best to protect their teens from the dangers of being online, in order to establish total and complete safety with his or her teen/teens. The intended audience for this article is parents with teenagers or kids who have access to the internet, now assuming the author has teens of his their would be some connection made with the audience their.…
The internet is a common resource which is now easily accessible to all. It can also expose children and young people to unsuitable sites and harmful material. Children and young people are more at risk of exposure to inappropriate or criminal behaviour if they are unaware of the dangers. All schools have firewall or other types of services that block inappropriate site, so that children can’t access certain website whist in school. Some parents tent to do the same and try to also block all pop up on their computer at home…
Children are also at risk through technology so procedures must be put in place to ensure they are safe while using the internet. One of the polices in our setting to reduce the risk of exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material is to block access to unsuitable sites and content. This is called E-safety.…
“In 2001, the International Telecommunication Union calculated that, approximately 2.3 billion people had internet access at the end of that year. Since then, the percentage of people using the internet around the world has continued to grow” (Li 2). Censoring the internet has been a hot topic for quite a while now. Many people believe that censoring the web isn’t a good thing because of certain laws and rights we have as citizens. The internet has some cons but it also has many pros. The downside of the censorship is that the truth is blocked out and it violates our freedom of speech. On the other hand, censorship of the internet can reduce the numbers or even stop human trafficking, prevent identity theft, stop cyber bullying and so much…
Technology has advanced greatly in the recent years. The internet has made it is easy for people to get any information they want, which in return presents danger to minors. This advance in technology has opened new issues that need to be addressed. Children depend on adults to protect them from any harm and as a result government passed acts to prevent child abuse on the internet. The two acts being discussed in this paper are the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 and the Children’s Online Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998.…
The Internet is an amazing place where people can communicate, transfer and research information, and find entertainment sites. It also allows freedoms that major media enterprises did not have. The concern with the Internet is it contains sites that are not appropriate for children. Some people believe the Internet should be free from censorship while other argue the Internet should be controlled.…
Children are our society’s most valuable and fragile resources. It is our responsibility as parents, adults, and caregivers to provide our children with as many safeguards to protect them from physical and virtual dangers. Children are spending more and more time on the internet and without the proper protection and supervision they can be exposed to indecent or harmful material or predators that seek to harm them. “What children are encountering on the Internet, particularly in terms of indecent or otherwise unsuitable material or contacts with strangers who intend to do them harm, is an issue of major concern.” (Smith, 2001). The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of 2000 and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998 were put in place as an attempt to protect our children from the harm that could befall them on the internet from harmful materials and predators that target children.…
Internet is one of the most powerful means of communication in the history of humankind. It brings people together and has potential sources of information as well as entertainment. Besides, it has a lot of dangers and harms for the users (especially for children). In Australia, the idea of ‘internet censorship’ began since 2003 by the Australia’s prominent think tank when researched about online habit of Australian teenagers and the dangers related to internet. This essay will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of internet censorship plan in Australia.…
On one hand, Internet censorship is necessary to prevent children from seeing violent or sexual content, such as pornographic advertisement or images, horror movies or hate literature, and therefore protect them from being manipulated and traumatized. It also protects them from paedophilia by censuring dating websites, for example. More generally speaking, censorship is useful to protect citizens from false or harmful information, which could influence their judgment, for instance wrong political propaganda leading to social disruption. Censorship can also be considered necessary to preserve national security like maintaining the secrecy of information. In that way, a state’s military or security data is protected from its enemies and cannot be used against it. On a religious level, censorship allows to avoid conflicts provoked by insulting and offensive material, as press articles, drawings or videos. On an intellectual level, censorship helps to protect intellectual property and prevent plagiarism. Another important issue is the free circulation of racist contents that can trigger a lot of angry reactions and bad behaviours. And that is why censorship can be a plus. Despite of all those good reasons, Internet censorship is a dangerous tool.…
Today people can find almost any information by using the Internet, which is full of different materials. Among web-resources, there are many web-sites and web-pages, which were made for children. Thus children became active internet-users as well and they can easily visit those web-sites. The problem is that at the same time children also have easy access to adult content like pornography. This access causes particular dangers like…
This essay focuses on online information censorship, especially in China, with emphasis on rights and freedoms to access information and make a speech online. According to Warf (2011) durning the last period of 20 century, the control of Internet was privatized by a consortium of telecommunications companies. Durning the same period, the development of Internet technology in Europe promoted the simplification of Internet usage, and it has also leaded to the innovation of the World Wide Web. Soon, thereafter the number of private Internet usager increased rapidly, including Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Firefox. The number of websites grew exponentially, from roughly 1 million in 1990 to more than 4 billion in 2011 (Warf, 2011). However, for some critics, the exceedingly increase of web bowsers and the no restrictions of all websites’ access have brought some negative impacts and have been treated as threats to national security in some countries. This essay aims to investigate the impacts of government Internet censorship on citizens’ basic rights, and explore the efficient method that governments can provide people with a better Internet environment. At first part of this essay will present some basic definition of Internet censorship and the purpose of government Internet censorship. And discuss the Internet censorship in China. On the last part of the essay a method of balance the human rights and nation security will be discussed.…
However, there are still some people support the censorship. They state that the censorship of internet is necessary. Because children can see sexually explicit materials which is unhealthy for them through the opening internet. Surely we should keep the bad information away from the children but there is no need to forbid everything about the sex in the internet. Proper and moderate information is necessary and good for the children. Whereas, government makes a sensitive topic even more awkward. Forbid of healthy sex education and free thoughts will not make country progress.…
Internet challenges the right to freedom of expression. On the one hand, Internet empowers freedom of expression by providing individuals with new means of expressions. On the other hand, the free flow of information has raised the call for content regulation, not least to restrict minors’ access to potentially harmful information. This schism has led to legal attempts to regulate content and to new selfregulatory schemes implemented by private parties. The attempts to regulate content raise the question of how to define Internet in terms of “public sphere” and accordingly protect online rights of expression. The dissertation will argue that Internet has strong public sphere elements, and should receive the same level of protection, which has been given to rights of expression in the physical world. Regarding the tendency towards selfregulation, the dissertation will point to the problem of having private parties manage a public sphere, hence regulate according to commercial codes of consumer demand rather than the principles inherent in the rights of expressions, such as the right of every minority to voice her opinion. The dissertation will conclude, that the time has come for states to take on their responsibility and strengthen the protection of freedom of expression on Internet.…
Nowadays, almost all the houses must have a computer to let all the people easy to do documentation or find some extra information from the world by surfing the internet. However, there are some of them, especially teenagers do not use the internet in a proper way such as use the internet service to watch some porn video, pornography pictures and so on. This situation will happen in our country because the teenagers are not controlled by their parents when they surf the internet. The parents are busy with their own job and just give anything that their children want such as computer,internet service, handset and so on. The parents will feel responsible if they give all the things to their children. Actually it does not bring any benefits to their children but it brings harm to their children. For example, Jong parents give him a computer with internet service. Jong always use the computer without their permissions when his parents go to work. This will enable Jong to have unlimited internet access until he forgets about his schoolworks. He will also find the pornography materials in the internet because the pornography advertisement will be found in certain website. After he watches all the pornography materials once, he will find and search again for the next time due to the internet is unlimited access for him. So, unlimited internet access will cause the people involve in yellow culture.…