If a skilled tradesmen came in to do a check such as an electrician and found something not safe then it is their duty to inform staff on duty of the situation so that it can be delt with correctly and if need be immedietly.…
The ‘Health & Safety at work Act 1974’ - The Act places a general duty to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees and clients. Employers must ensure that they provide a safe place of employment and a safe working environment, and that control measures are in place to minimise or is possible eliminate the risk of harm to any person. A Venue Risk Assessment must be completed prior to any course commencement and a Tutor Risk Assessment must be completed on the first session and kept on file for the whole duration of the course and amended appropriately following any changes. Failure to comply with this Act including, employers, employees, trainees, self employed persons etc can result in them facing prosecution charges.…
During the working day, I ensure that all aspects of health and safety are adhered to and meet company policies and procedures, legal requirements and the requirements of OFSTED. I ensure that the working practice of the staff team comply with these requirements through daily observations, supervisions/appraisals and handovers. If any of the staff team fail to meet these standards then I address this with the individual or as a whole in team meetings. I obtain feedback in relation to health and safety and take on board my teams opinions. An example of this was when I had reviewed the homes maintenance file. I had noticed…
All staff should take ownership for, not just their own safety, but also ensuring that their actions, or lack of action, does not cause harm of danger to others e.g if staff use equipment it must be cleared away properly and if staff see a potential hazard it must be reported appropriately.…
Informing your employer where the practice of colleagues may be unsafe or adversely affecting standards of care.…
“If there is a serious health and safety hazard you should report it to an appropriate manager immediately.”…
ln my work role, it is my responsibility or my duty of care that the residents I look after or care for are kept safe i.e. they are not abused in anyway and any form of abuse or neglect is dealt with. It is also my duty of care to keep my residents out of harm. E.g. Most of them residents want to have their capacity to make themselves cup of tea and because we use the water boiler we need to make sure someone is with them when they get to the kitchen to avoid scald and burns.…
If I was to became aware of unsafe practice then I must follow the whistle blowing procedure and to report to the manager and to monitor all unsafe practice, by recording and reporting in full all the evidence and then speak to manager.…
Unsafe practices can occur when an individual is put at risk by a health care professional they have a duty of care towards. Unsafe practices are carried out when there is insufficient thought to the danger and harm it may cause to an individual. It is important to report unsafe practices to your employers. The organisation you work for will have a procedure to follow and the action to take to protect yourself and others. Procedures will be different in all organisations but all will have the same core elements such as, if safe to do so make the situation safe and identify unsafe areas with a hazard sign, report the situation as soon as possible to the person in charge and verbally to the senior in charge and written down in the record, incident…
In out roles we have a duty to raise any concerns we have, these could include poor care standards, poor working conditions, suspected abuse and ill treatment, ensuring no harm comes to those we care for. These are all part of our…
Another potential hazard in the care home is equipment. Staff have to follow the rules and regulations on how to use the equipment correctly, to prevent harm to themselves and patients. Employees must take responsibility for the care of their own and others health and safety, they should not do anything that should jeopardize someone 's health and safety. The policy that prevents hazards like this occurring is the health and safety at work act 1974.…
In a work setting it is every employee’s responsibility for health and safety. If I were to notice something that would affect someone’s health and safety then this is when I would report to my room leader and a senior member of staff at the work setting. For example when I am working in the nursery and I see a child hurt themselves I report to the room leader or a senior member of staff to inform them of what has happened.…
As a company, would you describe PPI as having an identifiable philosophy of moral values? How do its policies contribute to this philosophy?…
Safety means protecting ourselves from any danger that may hurt us or endanger to our lives. Unsafe practice is a great peril to both life and property. A two wheeler rider who rides recklessly not only risks his own life, but also the other road users.…
What is safety? Can any one definition truly define what safety is and how do we know when we are safe? Safety is an ongoing concern in the world. No one should ever have to go somewhere and feel unsafe. As much as we all like to think we are safe, they are many times when we are in our comfort zones but we may not necessarily be safe. When you are in places where there are large amounts of people you don’t always think of the dangers that could lurk around any corner. Since you never know what’s going on in someone’s mind you can’t always assume you are safe and let your guard down because when you let your guard down that’s when you are in the most danger. Safety is especially important when you are living on a college campus. There are so many stories throughout history where you have heard of school or campus shootings. It’s amazing that students today can go every day without even worrying about something like that happening. Campus police, policies and guidelines, and community help to keeps thoughts or worries about such dangers away.…