Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery”, is a strong example of this statement. The townspeople hold a lottery every year; everyone, including the rich, the poor, the young or the elderly, must participate. As innocent as this lottery may seem, the winner of the lottery receives the honor of being stoned to death by everyone in the town. Year after year, the townspeople allow such mindless violence and all willingly participate. Therefore, one should blame nobody but the townspeople for the continuation and acceptance of such a savage and even bloodthirsty tradition. …show more content…
Furthermore, observe the historical evidence that spans back centuries.
Are the 18th and 19th century American slave-owners any less sickening than the thousands of average citizens who accepted slavery because the slaves were, in their eyes, racially inferior? Should Adolf Hitler be any less terrifying than the millions of German citizens who agreed with Hitler’s anti-Semitism and allowed the Holocaust? Is the dismaying state of politics in the United States today caused by corrupt and profane politicians or is it the millions of common voters who sheepishly voted for these politicians because the media mentioned their names frequently? In the case of “The Lottery”, should we blame the lottery official, Mr. Summers, or should we blame all of the seemingly regular people who allow this barbaric game of chance to take place? Undeniably, we must assign accountability to the leaders and consign responsibility to the
followers. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson shows the bestial nature of humans by depicting a town modern enough to possess a coal business; yet the town murders a citizen each summer. COME UP WITH A SENTENCE HERE. Therefore, the wickedness of ordinary people can be just as horrifying as serial killers or dictators.