2. A package takes many steps from the pickup to the delivery. First the starts out on the computer scheduling a pick up which is sent to the UPS head quarters. From the head quarters it is sent to DIAD. DIAD shows the UPS driver where and when to pick up the package. When the package is picked up the driver checks on DIAD that the package has been picked up is on route to the UPS packaging center where the package is then processed and sorted out. When the package is ready the driver checks off on DIAD that the package is now on route to its final destination. DIAD shows the driver where to drop it off and also gives him directions on how to get there. When the package arrives the driver must get the receiver of the package to sign that he has received the package.
3. Wireless communication plays a big role in the UPS systems. Without wireless communication our package would take so much longer because everything would be done by paperwork. The wireless communication makes it fast and simple for UPS to work. With wireless communication everyone knows when and where the package needs to be.
4. Information technology has increased and advanced the packaging industry. Without technology for the packaging industry packages would take 10 to 15 days to get to its destination where as with technology it takes up to 3 business days. Technology makes everything more organized for all the employees to understand and helps UPS and the packaging industry work smoothly.
5. Ups investments in IT help achieve the business objectives of a company by helping to analyze problems with UPS to see what is slowing them down or increasing there output. IT also helps UPS visualize difficult subjects and create new and better products for UPS to work with like