Consiste à proposer au client une montée en gamme, c'est-à-dire un produit plus cher que celui qui était envisagé à l'origine.
40% up sell: Do it right and you'll increase sales by as much as 40%
It is what happens when you take the initiative to ask someone who has already purchased something you offer to purchase more of it, or more of something else.
It’s a never-ending process.
Sales technique
Salesperson induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, in an attempt to make a more profitable sale
Up selling implies selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of, or in addition to the original sale. A different technique is cross-selling in which a seller tries to sell something else.
Why up selling is so profitable?
Consider this example. A customer buys a car with monthly payments of $395. With that size of investment, there’s very little resistance to adding $2 to the monthly payments for upholstery protection. For you, however, that additional sale is significant, as over 48 months it adds up to a $98 sale, with a huge profit margin.
Some would say that a $98 sale on a $25,000 vehicle is only a minimal increase in the overall sale. Why waste your time? My argument is that if it only takes 30 seconds to make that extra $98 sale, then you’re making more money for the company than with any other activity you do. If your salary is $20 per hour then doing the math, the 30 seconds you take to up sell costs the company about 17 cents. If it only costs the company 17 cents to make $98, that’s a huge return on investment. The fact that it’s attached to a $25,000 sale is completely irrelevant. So, up selling is one of the highest and best uses of your time.
How & when to ask?
1. Suggest the correct product
What to promote
So in order to do this effectively the first thing is to determine which are the products or services you wish to promote. It