Urban Growth during the Gilded Age: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Changes One of the most notable times during the late 19th century was the Gilded Age. This is a term often used to describe this time period since from the outside looking in urban life in America seemed perfect, but in reality, many citizens did not like the changes that were occurring. Since the verb gild means to cover with or as if with a thin coating of gold[1], historians often refer to this time period as “the Gilded Age”. New ideals about poverty, social reforms, different political approaches, and a new women’s culture brought forth political, economic, social, and cultural changes in urban growth during the Gilded Age. Some were mostly beneficial, but others were not. The Gilded Age was a time of politics, and new forms of it influenced urban growth during this time period. Campaigning was no longer enough to keep voters on your side. George Washington Plunkitt recognized this and changed their approach toward politics. “…you have to go among the people, see them and be seen…I know what they like and what they don’t like…” says Plunkitt as he describes his new strategies (Document E). He goes on to explain how he helps people follow their passion, “I hear of a young feller that’s proud of his voice…I ask him to join our Glee Club,” (Document E). This new form of politics and obtaining votes closely resembles the strategies political bosses used during this time period. Via favors and help, political bosses secured votes for their political parties. This new way of getting votes, both from politicians and political bosses, changed the way people viewed politics. Politics became a new interest for many, since now they were personally affected by it. Not only that, but people now saw politics as a means of getting what they wanted. Some, such as old immigrants, wanted everything to be closed on Sundays. New immigrants wanted to be
Urban Growth during the Gilded Age: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Changes One of the most notable times during the late 19th century was the Gilded Age. This is a term often used to describe this time period since from the outside looking in urban life in America seemed perfect, but in reality, many citizens did not like the changes that were occurring. Since the verb gild means to cover with or as if with a thin coating of gold[1], historians often refer to this time period as “the Gilded Age”. New ideals about poverty, social reforms, different political approaches, and a new women’s culture brought forth political, economic, social, and cultural changes in urban growth during the Gilded Age. Some were mostly beneficial, but others were not. The Gilded Age was a time of politics, and new forms of it influenced urban growth during this time period. Campaigning was no longer enough to keep voters on your side. George Washington Plunkitt recognized this and changed their approach toward politics. “…you have to go among the people, see them and be seen…I know what they like and what they don’t like…” says Plunkitt as he describes his new strategies (Document E). He goes on to explain how he helps people follow their passion, “I hear of a young feller that’s proud of his voice…I ask him to join our Glee Club,” (Document E). This new form of politics and obtaining votes closely resembles the strategies political bosses used during this time period. Via favors and help, political bosses secured votes for their political parties. This new way of getting votes, both from politicians and political bosses, changed the way people viewed politics. Politics became a new interest for many, since now they were personally affected by it. Not only that, but people now saw politics as a means of getting what they wanted. Some, such as old immigrants, wanted everything to be closed on Sundays. New immigrants wanted to be