Upon reaching America, they often sought concentrated ethnic enclaves within cities, communities solely populated by an overwhelming majority of a specific ethnic group. Examples that have survived throughout the 19th and 20th centuries are: Little Italy’s and China Town commonly known today. The enclaves eased the harsh transition in the country by proving the essentials and extra only to those that spoke English. Yet, that where in lies the problem. Overly crowded cities and different cultures colliding constantly, it led to high rates of crime and disease in the tenement districts. The enclaves nowadays can be known as “gangs” but ironically it was originally meant as a way to protect oneself and to help others through a form of commonality, not the persecution of others.
The growing disdain from the birthright against the naturalized formed the Nativist Impulse of the late 19th century. The negative public perception led to government action. New restrictions and legislations passed by the Congress such as the Chinese Exclusion Act (a law that barred Chinese immigration to the United States). The concerns of crime rates and growing health concerns, income, professional police departments, need of better water quality, waste removal and street cleaning were all addressed. The expansion of a public school system, education, provided a means of Americanizing the immigrant