Title: Squatter Settlers; An impediment to tourism growth in Madang town. Statement of Purpose
This purpose of the research is to find out does squatter settlers is an impediment to tourism growth in Madang town. The social issues and problems arising in Madang town are always in relation to rising settlers (e.g. wagol, admin compound and govstoa). There are many factors of that can hinder tourism growth such as law and order problem, political unrest and the economy crisis of the country. In each province, they have their own problem or issues that can destroy their own image for example in Lae, pick pockets by street vendors. Tourism in Madang has been developing in a very rapid pace from the previous years and is one of model province in PNG. Alongside is the rise of mining industry outside Madang town, new businesses to cater for the new emerging industry such as the Marine Industry. All these development have cause settlements in Madang Town to increase. The research is to signify what are the main impacts of squatter settlements on tourism in Madang. The increase of settlements in Madang can be result of tourism development and other recent industrial development such as the Ramu Nickel. Most of the people living in squatter settlements such as wagol, govstoa and admin compound are employed and contribute to the economy of Madang Province. However, most of the street sellers, pick picketers, drug dealers, beggers are also living in settlements. In addition, most tourism business in towns depends on its employees living in settlements. With the increase of social problems in Madang town are always the settlements are to be blame. This is a major barrier to the tourism industry as its give bad image to Madang Province and as Papua New Guinea. Moreover, living standards of settlements are in a very poor state such as wagol, gov stoa, and addressing this problem through tourism is a very challenging era of tourism industry.