The objective of this course is to understand the broad trajectories of urban spatial planning globally and how they have shaped the discourse of planning Indian cities. Who is a planner? How has the role of the planner changed? What are the historical traditions of planning that seem to influence contemporary planning practice? What are the emerging paradigms in urban spatial planning? Through seminars, case studies, response papers and assignments, the students will read, question and debate these broad questions. The purpose of this course is to 1. Understand planning as a socio-economic and cultural practice 2. Understand existing planning practices, its assumptions and biases, strengths and challenges 3. Specific opportunities and challenges of planning in India / “developing” countries”
Scott Campbell & Susan S. Fainstein, eds. Readings in Planning Theory (1996)
Peter Hall. Cities Of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History Of Urban Planning And Design In The Twentieth Century [1996 (1988)]
Robert Home. 1997. Of Planting and Planning: The Making of British Colonial Cities. Spon Press, London
Anthony Sutcliffe. 1981. Towards the planned city, Germany, Britain, United States and France 1780-1914. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
A.E.J. Morris. 1979. History of Urban Form Before the Industrial Revolutions. London:” George Godwin
Kosambi, Meera. 1986. Bombay in Transition: The Growth and Social Ecology of a Colonial City, 1880-1980, Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International Anthony Sutcliffe, ed. 1980. The Rise of Modern Urban Planning 1800-1914. London: Mansell
Gordon E. Cherry, ed. 1980. Shaping an Urban World. London: Mansell.
Sies & Silver, ed. 1996. Planning the 20th-Century American City. The Johns Hopkins University Press
W. Fulong, ed. 2007. China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism. Routledge
Sanyal, Bishwapariya, ed. 2005. Comparative Planning