For many countries, tourism is regarded as a new activity. It is becoming one of the most crucial social and economic activities. The increase in the demand for urban tourism or tourism in cities has occurred over the last few decades (Paskeleva-Shapira, 2003).However, the literature on urban tourism is still relatively new (Tyler, Guerrier, and Robertson, 1998; Timur and Getz, 2008).
Urbanisation is a global process. It is defined by Johnston (1981, P.363) as ‘a process by which: first, an increasing proportion of an area’s population become concentrated in its statistically defined urban places.’ It is a vital force leading to ‘development of towns and cities, where people live, work and shop’ (Page, 1997: p.112). Urban tourism development since the late 1970s has brought about an industrially based to an informational technology based (Page and Hall, 2003). Through the process of urbanization places, tourism in urban environments has not contributed to a significant urban tourism development (Ashwood, 1992), however, urban tourism itself has yields both positive and negative impacts for the city and its population.
Discussed in the paper is to understand both positive and negative impacts of urban tourism in terms of economic, socio-cultural as well as environmental that impacts Cape Town, one of the most rapidly growing cities in the Republic of South Africa.
Impacts of Urban Tourism: A Case Study of Cape Town
The tourism of The Republic of South Africa has drastically been popular for foreign visitors. One of its most famous cities is Cape Town which is situated on the southwestern tip of continent and at an oceanic divide. The city is the capital of the Western Cape. It is voted fifth in the BBC television list of ‘fifty places to see before you die’ and was also voted as best African/Middle East destination (Pirie, 2007). The city is expected
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