People that move from rural areas are those that are seeking more opportunities for better employment, and also better living. The main employment opportunities for people that live in rural areas are normally farming, fishing, or owners of small stores that produce little income. The people in these rural areas have to utilize the natural resources that are available to them to be able to survive. The rural areas have limited resources in comparison to the urban areas that have many resources to choose from. People that reside in urban areas do not have to use natural resources as a way of survival because big cities have economic development, industries, and education to better train people to be more valuable and make more income to be able to live comfortable.
The factors that bring about urbanization and the change in population, is the birth rate and the death rate, along with immigration and emigration. The birth rate increases the population, and the death rate decreases the population. The birth rate can cause urbanization because when people start having kids, they have to be able to take care of their family so people that may have lived in a rural area all their lives make decisions to move to bigger cities to be able to provide for their families. The death rate effects the population by decreasing the population.