The Rise of Urgent Care Centers
Fady Estany
Tennessee State University
Purposes of Urgent Care Settings Urgent care settings are structured to take care of patients with an illness or injury that does not necessarily require a trip to the emergency department, but also can not wait until the next day. Also, urgent care settings provide patients with better access than primary care settings. Usually, urgent care facilities offer services seven days a week. Often, patients substitute urgent care clinics for an emergency care, which is a mistake. There are services that urgent care cannot provide. For example, conditions that are considered an emergency is …show more content…
Another reason urgent care clinics are on the rise is, patients must be satisfied with the service that is being delivered. Urgent care settings is not necessarily a place that runs on high technology, but rather runs on simple gestures from medical providers. Research by Weinick and Betancourt (2007) found that urgent care patients have less waiting time, and were more likely to be greeted with a well-mannered way. Also, urgent care patients were more likely to receive an efficient treatment with sharp instructions on what to do if there are any …show more content…
Of course, as stated, the convenience of urgent care clinics is a huge factor. There multiple other factors increase the expansion of urgent care clinics. Factors such as the enlargement of the Healthcare Act Reform, the aging baby boomers, and other factors are expected to add to the need for care.
The financial incentives that urgent care clinics will receive to increase access to low-income and uninsured patient that have no other option but going to the emergency department is another reason the business will grow. Hospitals will generate savings for limiting the use of the emergency department. The increase in hospital ownership will put urgent care clinics in connection with primary care using electronic health records. That particular link will put urgent care clinics into models of care that provides a high quality of