parent and child. The mesosystem is interconnected between the exosystem and microsystem. In this system interactions between family and child’s peers are affected. The microsystem is the immediate environment where a child is. Then you have the individuals themself.
8.) The nature versus nurture conflict is a huge controversy. The nature side of the argument is where the coding of genes in each of your cells helps determine the different traits we will have, such as physical attributes, eye color, hair color, height, and weight. However, we still do not know whether you genes affect your personal attributes. The nature theory basically describes you are pre-programmed of who are you going to be. While the nurture theory says that genes may influence traits. However, this theory believes that the environment is the real origin of our behaviors. This will continue to be a controversy. I believe that both theories are correct, because you do acquire traits and behaviors. Also, being around a certain type of environment for a duration of time will influence your social norms and behaviors. The current status of this controversy is nature theory correct due to new valuable insights from genetic studies.