The kidney’s load for this was either a hypotonic, isotonic, alkalotic, or no solution at all. Based on the data above, some hypothesis were validated and other were not. In both the hypotonic and isotonic, the urine flow of the subjects increased as expected. This was due to the volume of water that the subjects had to drink. The water load was large enough to increase volume of urine excreted to maintain homeostasis. The alkalotic subject had effectively no change in urine flow during the whole 120 minutes. This could be due to the subject not being adequately hydrate or maybe she was female and had trouble emptying her bladder. A lot of the female subjects in lab had trouble getting adequate sample sizes. The control subject followed the hypothesis as well and showed a steady decrease urine flow during the 120 minutes. This is due to the body conserving water. In dehyation conditions, there is an increase in plasma osmolarity detected by osmoreceptors and barareceptors. This stimulates argininie vasopression from the hypothalamus to increase water retention and …show more content…
The mechanism of vasopressin. The opposite is also true when excess water is ingested, like the hypotonic and isotonic, vasopressin is inhibited by decreasing stimulation on baroreceptors and osmoreceptors.