(bàb-bo na-TA-ley) or Old Man Christmas. He is dressed in his traditional bishop’s miter and cloak, and travels with a donkey.
Italy holds a special place for St. Nicholas, particularly the Basilica San Nicolas in Bari, Italy. After the Church of St. Nicholas in Myra, the Basilica has become a church where many people make a special pilgrimage to honor this very special saint. During the Christmas season, small presents are drawn from a container known as the "Urn of Fate”. The "Urn of Fate" is part of the Christmas celebrations in many Italian households. It is brought out on Christmas Eve, and holds a wrapped present for everyone.
The mother tries her luck first, followed by others
in the family. If you get a present with your name on it, you keep it; otherwise, you put it back and try again.
The main gift exchange takes place on January 6th, the feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus.
In Italy, the children wait until Epiphany for their presents and hang up their stockings on January 5th. They nervously await a visit from La Befana ( la beˈfaːna).
According to the La Befana legend, when the Three Wise Men were on their way to Bethlehem to visit the baby Jesus, they stopped during their journey and asked an old woman for directions. They told her of Jesus' birth and asked her to join them. She said no, and the Wise Men continued on their way. Later, a shepherd asked her to join him in paying respect to the Baby Jesus, and Befana refused again.
Within a few hours, the woman changed her mind and wished she had gone to visit the Christ Child. She arrived at the stable where Jesus was, but could not find him as Joseph and Mary had long departed to escape execution by King Herod, who wanted to kill Jesus.
In Italian folklore, she is called Befana and depicted variously as a fairy queen, a crone, or an ugly witch on a broomstick. Befana is said to have been flying around ever since, looking for the Christ Child each year and leaving presents at every house with children in case he is there. She slides down chimneys, and fills stockings and shoes with gifts for good children and pieces of charcoal for the bad ones.