
Ursula Le Guin's 'In The Left Hand Of Darkness'

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In the Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin describes setting in tremendous detail. The fictional planet that she so elaborately describes is known as Gethen or Winter. As indicated by the latter name for the planet, it is a very frigid and glacial planet. On this planet, the two major countries are Karhide and Orgoreyn. At one point in the novel, it is stated that there are some sixty-two words in the Karhidish language for the various kinds, states, ages, etc. of snowfall. It also states that there are twenty or more words to describe the actual properties of snowfall (such as temperature and wind strength). This certainly indicates that snowfall and adverse weather are quite common in this fictitious world. The countries as mentioned earlier …show more content…

On Genly and Estraven’s journey through The Ice, there were many instances of struggle associated with the conditions. Two of the major focuses are on ice and glaciers. Ice is commonly associated with slickness and jaggedness. Glaciers are associated with sheer force and unstoppable power. At one point in their travels, Estraven writes the following in his diary: “The surface is bad. We screw the sledge along amongst great lumps of ice, immense debris pushed by the straining of the great plastic sheet of ice against and among the Fire-Hills. The broken pressure-ridges take queer shapes, overturned towers, legless giants, catapults” (Le Guin 230). One of the most interesting parts of this excerpt comes when Estraven says that they “screw the sledge along.” This insinuates a great deal of maneuvering, repositioning, and sharp steering. The chunks of ice that make the navigation of this area difficult are being pushed by “great plastic sheet of ice.” This is referring to a glacier that is powerful and imposing. The use of the word plastic might seem a bit peculiar here upon first glance. Plastic often refers to something that is malleable or pliable. This is not really a commonly anticipated trait of glaciers. However, it speaks to the sheer power and mass of the glacier. It has size to move the ice and earth’s crust around it at will. The next line calls attention to the results of immense pressure produced by glacier movement. Estraven points out that the terrain forms into odd shapes. He seems to be making reference to the size and abnormal appearance of the ice distortions when he describes them as overturned towers, legless giants, and catapults. All of this combined makes for a more difficult journey for Estraven and Genly. It is not a simple hike across the country side. Instead it is a rigorous trek through cold air and over dangerous glacier passes. Le Guin uses

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