Prevention Science
When a mentally ill person is discharged from a mental institution or shelter, this is when the risk factors of their past illness are highst. Therefore, the bridge between institution and community or family home after an institution’s discharge is very important for mentally ill people who were homeless or could be in the future. According Susser, et al (1997) people who become homeless suffer from discrimination, “demoralization” and are at risk to disease, abuse, rape and much more. When a mentally ill person is discharged from an institution and has to face reentering the community on his/ her own and re-exposure to the risk factors that may have led him or she to the present situation, the possibility to become homeless is enormous. Susser, et al (1997) believe that giving better support and care to those people after treatment is very important to build a new life in a “new environment”. Therefore, they created the “Critical Time Intervention” (CTI) to help, give support to mentally ill men. As a result, they concluded that the CTI was effective and reduced the risk of homelessness compared with the control group who received usual service only (USO). (Susser, et al, 1997)
Susser, et al, stated that in prevention looking at the problem is the first step. Knowing the problem will help to know what prevention to implement. A problem is when a person is affected by negative consequences such as: health conditions, psychological problems, etc. Based on Susser, et al (1997), in the present we identified the problem, which is the risk to homelessness in mentally ill men after discharge from an institution, (they have been there for past problems like substance abuse, HIV infection, tuberculosis, etc.) to community home or family. Mentally ill men go to shelters or institutions to be treated, but the biggest conflict arises when they are discharged from