
Us Decline as Only Superpower

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Us Decline as Only Superpower
The Decline Of the United States as the Worlds Only Super Power

The United States has experienced a steady decline as the world’s only super power, and this steady decline will continue until the United States is no longer the world’s hegemonic state. There are a number of factors that directly influence this decrease in power from the United States on the world stage including: a struggle to sustain economic hegemony in part due to the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and plants; the rise of eastern powers and other booming economies; the limiting U.S. foreign policy. The cascading effect of these factors poses a great threat to the western world and will ultimately drive the United States to lose its status as the world’s sole super power in the global power shift of the 21st Century.

The United States is feeling competitive pressure on its global status as a result of the economic emergence of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). These nations represent roughly 40% of global population and some

Since the Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing of goods has played a significant role in the United States’ economy; the manufacturing sector has historically provided a substantial portion of middle class jobs in America. However, in the recent years a large number of those manufacturing jobs have been outsourced overseas.[1] Outsourcing labor benefits manufacturers and multi national corporations because they can dominate the markets through the acquisition of low-cost labor and by limiting their exposure to regulation and taxation while translating into an increase in profits for stakeholders. However, the movement of a large amount of manufacturing jobs overseas employs negative effects on the United States working class, due to a reduction of jobs and sufficient wages.

The failure to invest in domestic job creation

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