Political Actor Model-Rational decisions only based on how it is going to impact them politically
Organizational Actor Model- What are the decisions are going to impact the organization(what committee one might be on)
Elitist Actor Model-Elites making the decision that will benefit themselves and other elite's.(most prevalent model in our history)
Idiosyncratic Actor Model-Charismatic leader that had the power and leadership role to do it because he can.
Historiography-what historians have written.
The history of Southern distinctiveness
Geography- the 11 states that joined the confederacy during the civil war
The south has always been different
Lost cause myth- the civil war was a lost cause. Everything was working against the south. The South took pride in the Civil War because they were the under dogs. Had to justified the Civil War
Historical memory- collectively people remember history how it suits them
National Myths- the national norm
Shaping of the Solid South
I. Reconstruction
• Lincoln wanted to bring the victim
President Andrew Johnson
• Lincoln’s successor after his assassination
• Instill the loyalty on the South but don’t want to punish the South.
• Rather than attempting to crushed the South
• Appoint provisioner governors
• Call constitutional conventions in Southern States
• By trying to instill loyalty it had the opposite effect.
• Embolden Southern whites to bulk out against the 13th Amendment.
Radical Republican Congressman Thaddeus Stevens
• Want the South to be punished and forcing things on them, then bring them back into the Union
• Come up with the 14th and 15th Amendment • 14th Amendment- Due Process, equality before the law • 15th Amendment-Voting Rights for African Americans
• The Republican Party in the South (3 groups) • Northern