Lastly the television brought the fighting to every American's living room thus a large scale involvement of an overwhelming amount of youth who opposed the war wishing for only love and peace these hippies inspired an ear of social rebellion many artist created songs opposing the war and criticizing their efforts.
In the mid-sixties the numbers of advisors and reasons for small American troops grew in Vietnam depicting an ever growing escalation of force. And then suddenly in 1964 there was a troop surge in Vietnam which was authorized by the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by congress and Lyndon b Johnson who had recently just stepped into office. By this it can be seen that congress granted and unchecked amount of power to the executive branch this then encouraged a "by any means necessary" attitude to keep us safety and contain communism. …show more content…
Economically the war took away from many programs (Doc6) illustrated by George McGovern he argues that LBJs presidency dragged down many programs like the new frontier and by 1965 half a million troops were deployed to Vietnam causing a huge spending swell in the federal budget for military operations. The excessive military spending only increased the powers of arm manufacturers echoed McGovern. To add to the mismanagement of economics Nixon did little to increase health programs that at the time were very much in demand especially for those in need like veterans.
Martin Luther king in his 1967 speech to the American people spoke of poor black men being drafted to fight for the ideal of freedom in Vietnam(Doc3). Yet freedom didn’t exist for blacks in America similar to document 4 escalation of the Vietnam war spurred aggressive civil rights protest and parties like the black panthers rose they petitions for equal voting rights. War devastated the poor and undermined the great society programs put in place by jfk and altered by