The patriot act has so far captured 400 suspected terrorists and half of them have been convicted. Now, imagine what they might have been capable of if we had not been able to know in advance what they were planning? Before the patriot act was instated, criminal investigators were stopped dead by a legal wall. With the patriot act now in full effect, law enforcement officials can now work together while sharing information and in the end, bring all terrorists to justice. After all, information sharing has made a huge impact, especially when two years ago the FBI helped bring down a man who plotted to destroy the New York City Bridge.
(F)- Two years ago, FBI agents in Ohio confronted Iyman Faris, and he was charged with providing support to al-Qaida after he, among other things, agreed to take part in a plot to destroy a New York City bridge. The capture came after an investigation that involved more than a dozen agencies in the Southern Ohio Joint Terrorism Task Force that was made possible by the Patriot Act. According to one FBI agent, "The Faris case would not have happened without sharing information. We would never have even had the lead."-(F)
The patriot act also extends the use of roving wiretaps, which help in international terrorism investigations.