Technoloy improved our lives to an extent where man can sit in his bedroom and view the world.
One such activity that man can monitor and control through technology is corruption. Corruption is a deep rooted social evil in our country. From the common man to the administrators all are subjects of this anti social activity.
Righful place of wealth is which is supposed to go towards development of society is diverted by some individuals to meet their desire for wealth for fulfilment of personal needs. Technology can help but the mind set of the people should change.
You must be thinking while I am here to talk about how technology will help in curbing corruption but I am talking about changing mind set of people. Studies reveal that close monitoring and timely correction of individuals behaviour can bring positive change.
Yes! What you are thinking is right! Cameras can be placed in the work environments to monitor correct behaviour.
We require this technology to be installed especially where the key responsible authorities work in our country at all levels of government. We need to curb this from grass root level.
Secondly, for the transparency purpose, uploading the Information on the internet for public usage.
For your information friends there is an act called “right to information act” 2005
As per this act every inidan citizen has right to have public information.
Making people accountable for their respective jobs .
Now the question is how can we make people accountable using technology???