They are now trying to receive profit from the production itself. They are seeking for for ways to increase the profit obtained during the processing of the food and they have found a way. They have decided to add harmful substances to the production of the food such as antibiotics, additives, and large amount of salt. Although antibiotics help get rid of the viruses at the moment to secure more quantities of healthy food, it creates resistant infections that could be deadly due to the large amount of immunities that they have developed throughout the years of treatment. “The more a particular germ is exposed to antibiotics, the more rapidly it can develop resistance”(Sarah Halzack). Salt and additives are used to enhance the flavor of the food, but at the same time it causes people to be more sustainable to acquiring high-blood pressure, obesity, and even cancer. “Researchers agree that hypertension (high blood pressure) is rare in societies that consume a low-salt diet and more common among people who eat a lot of salt”(Anita Elash). This just comes to show how far Americans have gone to be able to eat such unhealthy amount of salt. Other substances that are also found are. “BHA or BHT. Ingredients like these are added to prohibit foods with oils from going rancid, thereby increasing shelf life” (Cindy Jones Shoeman)…