Rebellion is a new hope for many, but a corrupt leader may change the definition of freedom overtime. A leader would make everyone believe in them and when are right, but slowly change into a power hungry ruler. Many counties have experience with this kind of rulers such as the Costa Rica or Russia, who took over at the country’s weakest time. George Orwell, Eric Arthur Blair, writes Animal Farm based on the Russian Rebellion that happened in 1917. As Russia rebels, the rebellion leaders slowly took power and changes the aspect of their rebellion. Our society reflects upon freedom and our choices, rulers may not affect us in the same way as they would in a monarchy or dictatorship. Our leader is chosen by us while in Animal Farm, their leader, Napoleon is chosen by him gaining power and fear over the animals and being automatically chosen for power since no one else to opposes him. Leadership in this book is chosen by corrupt power and fear over the animals which isn’t reflected in the leaders in our society and community, but is recognized in places by leaders before.…