Mathematics is one kind of science. We cannot do a single moment without mathematics. It has made our everyday life easy and comfortable. In official and personal life become paralyzed without mathematics.
Different kinds of functions are performed by mathematics. It works with numbers, counting, and numerical operations. It is used to calculate something. It can be done both technically and manually. Large and complicated mathematical problems is solved by the computer software. On the other hand, easy mathematical operations are performed without the help of any machine or computer software. In official works like banking, policy, school, college and universities mathematical calculations are done by technically.
Merits of mathematics:
The merits of mathematics in our life cannot be described in words. It has opened a new dimension to us. We cannot do a single day without mathematics. It helps us to solve difficult mathematical problems. It has enriched our life. Mathematics helps us to decide if something is a good, risky or not. Mathematics helps us to create everything as without the application of mathematics. We cannot create any building, picture, furniture, good art, wallpaper, your room, bridge etc. It shows us to become beneficial in life. We can compare between two with the help of mathematics. We use mathematics in our everyday life such as in banking transactions, buying or selling any product, giving or taking money, creating something, measurement of demand etc. Any kind of treatment is not possible without mathematics. Today there is no any place where mathematics is not used.
Mathematics is a matter of studies and research:
At present, mathematics has become a subject of studies and research. Millions of students and teachers are now researching on mathematics. They always engage themselves to find out any kind of easy usages of mathematics. Different students of