Integration of Psychology and Theology
Tamala Rivers
February 16, 2012
Summary This article focuses on the use of prayer and scripture in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). First you must focus on the biblical approach which you acknowledge Gods love and deal with past hurts in a proper manner. You also must focus on Gods Holy Spirit and his scriptures. As the therapist you should not be in self, you have to focus on your client. You have to allow God spirit to be used in the therapy session. There were multiple types of integration that could be used. Implicit integration which refers to a more covert approach that does not initiate the discussion of religious or spiritual issues and does not openly, directly or systematically use spiritual resources. Explicit integration refers to a more overt approach that directly and systematically deals with spiritual or religious issues in therapy, and uses spiritual resources like prayer. (p.102) both integration are important but it is up to the therapist to stay professional and not force the Christian approach on their client. Intentional integration was the most important because you are letting Gods will be done, he is the one in charge of the therapy session, but you must first have the clients consent.
Prayer was another focus in the article, by praying you can be healed. If you were a client suffering from past hurts you could pray with you therapist. You could pray aloud or quietly through meditation, but that was decided by the client. There was use of scriptures in the therapy sessions as well; it was a good example to use Jane. She spoke about being angry she felt that it was a sin. The therapist found scriptures for Jane to read and she found a better understanding in being angry. So using the scriptures in the proper context was a great help in this particular therapy session.
Interaction I thought the article was very enlightening. I