A quantitative study on the use of propofol for patient comfort during pacemaker implantation.
Brenda J. Wagner, RN
Walsh University
April 27, 2010
A quantitative study on the use of propofol for patient comfort during pacemaker implantation.
Problem Section In today’s healthcare environment, more procedures are taking place with conscious sedation utilized instead of general anesthesia. According to Somerson, Husted, and Sicilia (1995), conscious sedation is defined as “a minimally depressed level of consciousness during which the patient retains his ability to maintain a continuously patent airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal commands”. This is beneficial for several reasons. When using conscious sedation, a patient is able to maintain their own airway, meaning that an invasive airway such as intubation is not necessary, thereby reducing potential complications from intubation. Also, patients who are high risk for airway complications with intubation due to a history of respiratory problems can now undergo procedures using conscious sedation instead. Conscious sedation also provides reduced recovery times in comparison to general anesthesia, reducing the length of stay needed after procedures. Conscious sedation also provides for patient comfort during procedures which is important in nursing care. Conscious sedation is aimed at keeping a patient comfortable throughout a procedure but does present challenges for nursing care. In the electrophysiology department, this is especially important since procedures require a patient to remain still throughout the case while an electrophysiologist is implanting leads into the patient’s heart muscle. Because of this, conscious sedation becomes a vital concern for nursing. In the electrophysiology department at Summa Akron City Hospital, conscious sedation for an implantable permanent pacemaker device is usually administered by a
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