we can all agree that silence and speech plays a significant role in Ovid’s writings.
we can all agree that silence and speech plays a significant role in Ovid’s writings.
Apostrophe: “O golden daughter of god, send rescue, radiant as the kindness in your eyes!” Page 272 (Oedipus)…
OPHELIA: “is she to be buried in a christian burial when she wilfully seeks her own salvation?”…
Silence serves as a symbol, signifying many things in The Chosen, by Chaim Potok. Throughout the book, Reb Saunders rarely converses with his Danny unless it is about Talmud or their religion. In chapter 18, he says that he did this to teach his son to understand and feel pain and suffering. In addition, he does this because this was the way he was raised by his own father. Reb Saunders wanted his son to grow up with the soul of a tzaddik so that he may be able to feel the suffering all over the world. Nevertheless, it is disputed whether or not Reb Saunders’ method was completely successful because Danny does not seem any more compassionate than Reuven. Also, when Reb Saunders imposed silence upon his family, Danny reluctantly hid things from his father, including his dream of becoming a psychologist instead of a tzaddik. However, at the end of the novel, when Mr. Malter asks him if he will raise his children in silence, he replies that he will if there is no other ways. This shows that Danny does not abhor the way he was raised, but he acknowledges that there are better approaches.…
It is a reoccurring problem that whenever an individual sets forth to do something they solely think in the present, rather than the future. This becomes a conundrum because in the end other people, or things, might be negatively affected. Rachel Carson, noted biologist, published "Silent Spring", a book that pertained to the environment and was written to change American'a attitude toward the environment around us. In "Silent Spring" Carson targets the hostile actions committed towards birds which result in other animals also being negatively impacted. Carson uses an array of rhetorical strategies, ranging from creating a serious and justified tone, to exaggerating the situation, and lastly by using rep it ion to get her point across. To begin with, the start of…
Consequently, Oedipus can no longer be called a tyrant, let alone a king, after being humiliated in this way, unable to see or even walk without assistance. His attitude toward Creon also seems dramatically altered when the new king approaches Oedipus, who implores the audience: "Oh no, what can I say to him? How can I ever hope to win his trust? I wronged him so, just now, in every way. You must see that-I was so wrong, so wrong". In this way, Oedipus, who greatly humbles himself before Creon…
She doesn’t want to condemn Rochester to further misery, and a voice within her asks, “Who in the world cares for you?” Jane wonders how she could ever find another man who values her the way Rochester does, and whether, after a life of loneliness and neglect, she should leave the first man who has ever loved her. Yet her conscience tells her that she will respect herself all the more if she bears her suffering alone and does what she believes to be right. She tells Rochester that she must go, but she kisses his cheek and prays aloud for God to bless him as she departs. That night, Jane has a dream in which her mother tells her to flee temptation. She grabs her purse, sneaks down the stairs, and leaves…
At this point he is explaining to Jocasta about his fate. He tells her about when he visited Apollo when he found out about his fate he ran away from his adoptive family because it was told that he would kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus said ‘“My fate was to defile my mother’s bed, to bring forth to men a human family that people could not bear to look upon, and slay the father who engendered me.”’ (oed.950-955).…
Ruler of the Thebes, the fictional kingdom in the play Antigone, Creon in his speech argues that Polyneices, son of the late ruler Oedipus ought to have no burial. He supports his clam by first appealing to false authority, then using sentimental appeals, and lastly by comparing Polyneices to his brother, Eteocles. Creon’s purpose is to make sure nobody disobeys him in order to seem powerful in the eyes of his citizens. He adopts a demanding tone to assure he is well respected.…
“Poetry focusing on villainy and wrongdoing or even on foolish characters with dark minds, often produces engaging material for the reader or the listener”.…
From the beginning, Jocasta asks Oedipus to “not be Oedipus” (Cixous 255) and “disown the name” (256). The matter of calling the name is questioned. The name makes the meaning and the significance makes the subject to be centered. The word “afraid” becomes the “name” of fear the act of calling name produces the meaning (261). Jocasta points out the weight of “a word” that could cause death, separation, and preservation (278). Cixous does not focus on understanding; she rather concentrates on the questionable state of understanding. Jocasta confesses that she does “not understand” though she thinks she understands but she does not get “what [she] understand[s]” (285). Oedipus also admits “Oedipus…no longer means anything” (293). The matter of “name” is directly related to the “word” that creates “meaning” and provides the existence as a subject. The Name of Oedipus illustrates “the burden of signification” and questions the “essence” that Fuchs talks about in her book. The plot of Oedipus Rex remains on the surface but the significance of the plot does not exist or is challenged because the word that indicates the…
In the study of Greek plays, one tries to recreate for an experience, to recapture something of what is meant to those for whom it was written. We know more about the life of Sophocles than we know do about the lives of any other Greek playwright, but this still is not a lot. Sophocles’ work has been said to be the pinnacle of Greek tragedy. Oedipus the King is something like the literary Mona Lisa of ancient Greece. It presents a nightmare vision of a world turned upside down; a decent man, Oedipus, becomes the king of Thebes, whilst in the process unknowingly fulfilling a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother. As scholars, we are bound to relate this story through history, to ask what the writer really meant, how…
Ovid seems like a man who has a well-built resume of being familiar with women as well as learned from other stories. The majority things he said in the book I am already familiar with and while I was reading I laughed at how time affects this topic very little.…
In Antony's funeral speech addressing the death of his dear friend Julius Caesar he uses different types of of rhetoric to one address Caesar's death ,and two to get a message across. The message was the reason and the people behind the death/murder of Caesar. His use of rhetoric allowed him to clearly develop a strong argument and persuade his fellow romans to rally to his side. He was able to sway them to help revenge the death of Caesar and help take back rome from these people. His use of these Rhetorical strategies allowed him to gain the support he needed to revenge the death of his friend.…
Silent people appear to be hiding characteristics about themselves through their quietness. When a person, specifically a woman, is silent, it is perplexing. Her silence is strange and worrisome to the people who care for her. To a reader, one may compare a female character’s silence to a loud noise. It calls for questions to be raised. No one questions why someone is loud; it is only when one becomes silent that people are concerned. In the translated Romance “Silence” by Sarah Roche-Mahdi and the novel “Their Eyes were watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston, the struggle that the main characters deal with is shown throughout their silence. It distances the characters, Silentius and Janie, from the real world by having to hide who they are as…
“And yet, having lived through this experience, one could not keep silent no matter how difficult, if not impossible, it was to speak” (Wiesel introduction). Elie Wiesel introduces his tragic memoir Night with the fact that silence was not the answer for victims of atrocities. This memoir depicts Elie Wiesel’s experiences at Auschwitz, one of the cruelest concentration camps during the Holocaust. Through the pain and seemingly eternal silence that fell upon the victims, a voice needed arise to shed light on the broken actions in the world. Elie Wiesel, in his memoir Night, reminds the world that “silence” or “indifference” to atrocities committed anywhere is an unacceptable answer to those in need.…