Chapter 13 of They Say I Say by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein analyze the ongoing, controversial topic of social media/ technology. The authors organize both sides of the topic by going back and forth and giving different view points. The two sides of the argument are one, that technology and social media "fries our brain" and makes person to person communication more of a problem than what it used to be. On side two, we hear that technology actually brings us together and gives us immense amounts of information that we never had access to before. "You may have heard parents and journalists complain that smartphones, iPads, and other electronic devices that seem almost wired into our brains are destroying our ability to think, communicate,…
Social Media has become so powerful and influential within modern culture and society, that it has the ability to affect people’s lives in all aspects, including both financial and social status. Quite simply, it can either “build you up or break you down”; and only those that knowingly can utilize its services in a skillful manner are the ones able to succeed.…
Technology has advanced over the past decades, rapidly influencing today’s social culture. Social media is still developing into many different forms. Those forms can include Smartphone’s, computers, laptops, television, and tablets. Whichever the object is, it has also become a form of communication in many different ways. So much of people’s lives are impacted by social media, and there are many debates that whether or not it has a positive or negative effects on society.…
As of January 2014, 74% of online adults were social media users. When social media began in the late 1970s with Bulletin Board System, a program designed to allow users to download files, games, and post messages to other users through telephone lines via a modem, not many were prepared for the effect it would have on the world 30 years later. As social media progressed through AOL (1990s), MySpace (2000s), and now onto Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, social media has continued to become a larger part of more and more people’s lives. A role that is now so large that many argue social media has become more of a curse than a blessing, and has poisoned communication, in person and over the Internet. But, social media helps protection services and law enforcement, assists people trying to stay up to date with the news, and allows people to stay connected with current and past friends.…
Since the use of texting and social media has become more normal, people are beginning to spend their time on their phones as opposed to interacting with their peers. When it comes to texting, there’s not too much pressure. You can take your time and think carefully about what you’re gonna say before you send it. On the phone it’s different; there’s pressure to say the right thing and to keep the conversation going. It’s also time consuming, “it demands their full attention when they don’t want to give it” (Birkenstein, Durst, and Graff 375). Phone calls seem to require a certain amount of time and commitment, something people seem to have neither of, and that’s why people would rather send a quick text or email than take time out of their busy day to take a call. Staying behind your screen also offers a protection that phone calls don’t. “It’s only on the screen that shy people open up,” Elaine, a teen that Turkle interviewed explains (Birkenstein et al. 373). “It’s a place to hide” (Birkenstein et al. 347). However there’s a danger that comes with that way of thinking; hiding behind social media causes damage to your psyche. In his article, The Dangers of Social Media for the Psyche, David Brunskill warns…
The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way humans exist. From the innovation of medical technology to the further development of phones and computers, it has proven to be life altering in many aspects. While it is true that the advantages of modern-day technology cannot, nor should be dismissed, some of the disadvantages must as equally importantly be acknowledged. Although many argue the contrary, there are many reasons to believe that phones, and texting in particular, can and have resulted in a disconnect within families, friendships, and an overall disconnect with the world.…
In an age where information and interactions are just a few clicks away, it has become easy to blame social media sites for problems in society. There are some who oppose this idea and others who are on board with the notion. Social media can have both a positive and negative effect on today’s society; it is up to the individual to decide the effect on them.…
Technology is one of the most influential of the profound changes taking place in the twenty-first century. The easy access, use and dissemination of new technologies has increased the importance and benefits of social networking. People are expanding their ability to communicate with other groups more quickly and efficiently. However the use of social networks has changed how people communicate, their ways of conducting relationships, and led in some ways the loss of our privacy.…
Although some may argue that social media is negatively impacting society, it is an excellent means to reach a large audience. The survey…
With so many technological advances in today’s society, it is no wonder why industrialized nations like the United States are constantly changing and always seeking to find the next best thing. Social media is one of the several technological advances currently thriving in American society. Social media has significantly changed the way of communication between organizations, communities, and individuals through websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.…
In todays society it seems as if everybody is connected to social media somehow, especially us college students and young adults. It’s a way for us to connect with friends far away or even nearby. The thing is, social media is destroying young adults mentally and physically because it’s disconnecting them from the physical world. Texting, emailing, tweeting, and facebooking have become the preferred forms of communication for many young adults in the past 10 years and shows no signs of slowing down. We’re now in a society where interacting online has become the social norm. You’re probably more likely to speak to friends and family through electronic devices…
According to a recent research, American people now spend 23% of internet time on social media. Thus it can be seen that nowadays social media has become a very important part of people's life. But what is social media? Social medias are websites and applications used for social networking . Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the three most typical examples. Social media brings fresh blood to our human's life and it mainly has three positive effects on our society: increasing people's productivities, helping enlarge people's social circles and providing a platform for exchanging ideas.…
Social media has made an effect on the modern world together. Some people consider social media to have a very negative impact on people, especially our younger generation, causing inappropriate language being used. It is a topic that divides an opinion. People say social media is an amazing tool, but others worry about the impact it has on lives.…
Irrespective of geographical boundaries the world has turned into global village because of social media and communication. The technology is the bigger aspect that has promoted it more. Now a day’s media has a great influence in our life and that has been increasing day by day. Young generations in this world are surrounded by social media. Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.…
It’s all around us, on our televisions, on our computers, in the palm of our hands, and constantly nipping at our brains. We refer to it when we wake up, when we are bored, when we are waiting, and before we go to bed. We continuously upload pictures, update our statuses, compose a tweet, scale our timelines and feeds, and snoop into the lives of our so-called “friends”. Social Media has engulfed our society to a point where it’s almost impossible to envision a world before the Internet. Due to this, not only has the way we go about our daily tasks changed, but also the way we as a people function towards one another. Some experts think that the way social media influences society can be beneficial. Why wouldn’t we want something that makes our lives that much easier? While on the other hand some argue that the web is redefining the way people interact and altogether live. Through further analysis of articles, authors, scholars, and viewpoints, I will explain social media’s negative affects on the world as we now it.…