Case Problems
Chapter 2
Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Presentations
Case Problem 1: Pelican Stores
1. There were 70 Promotional customers and 30 Regular customers. Because there are 100 observations in the sample, the frequency and percent frequency distribution are the same. Percent frequency distributions for many of the variables are given.
|No. of Items |Percent Frequency |
|1 | 29 |
|2 | 27 |
|3 | 10 |
|4 | 10 |
|5 | 9 |
|6 | 7 |
|7 or more | 8 |
|Total: |100 |
|Net Sales |Percent Frequency |
|0.00 - 24.99 |9 |
|25.00 - 49.99 |30 |
|50.00 - 74.99 |25 |
|75.00 - 99.99 |10 |
|100.00 - 124.99 |12 |
|125.00 - 149.99 |4 |
|150.00 - 174.99 |3 |
|175.00 - 199.99 |3 |
|200 or more | 4 |
|Total: |100 |
|Method of Payment |Percent Frequency |
|American Express | 2 |
|Discover | 4 |
|MasterCard | 14 |
|Proprietary Card | 70 |
|Visa | 10 |
|Total: |100 |
|Gender |Percent Frequency |