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UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2010 3-23-2010 UK Academy for Information Systems
Kiriaki Flouri
University of Wales Institute Cardiff,
Hilary Berger
University of Wales Institute Cardiff,
Recommended Citation
Flouri, Kiriaki and Berger, Hilary, "AGILE DEVELOPMENT – SCRUM ADOPTED IN PRACTICE BUT NOT IN PRINCIPLE" (2010). UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2010. Paper 21.
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Kiriaki Flouri Cardiff School of Management, University of Wales Institute Cardiff, Colchester Avenue, Cardiff, CF23 9XR, UK Email: Dr. Hilary Berger Cardiff School of Management, University of Wales Institute Cardiff, Colchester Avenue, Cardiff, CF23 9XR, UK Email: Abstract
The move to agile software development methodologies has generated great enthusiasm. The emphasis on team-oriented development and reliance on people rather than predefined processes is transforming software development into a socio-technical process. Through the lens of a real-world project we examined the difficulties experienced when an IS development project shifted from a structured waterfall approach for upfront requirements gathering to a Scrum agile approach for the development activities. We specifically look at the agile values and principles of ‘people, working software, end-user involvement and responding
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