Using Barefoot Heart Summary
Using Barefoot Heart for First Year Students who are migrants is nice to read. For many, this book should not be a major part of the class because, for most of the book, there is little connection to the college lifestyle. Barefoot Heart was a nice book to read because of the connection it has to me as a migrant student. It reminds me what it means to be a hard worker, and the reason to continue being a hard worker, even if the workload is less. Putting in 100% will give back 100%.
The dicho that applies to my current perspective the most is “El que Adelante no mira, atrás se queda.” The reason I connect with this dicho is that it has been proven true for most of my life. As much as I would like to go with the flow, it does not get me far.
When I set a goal, or create a plan, there is a guarantee that I will succeed.