Ramamoorthy & Gurusany, 2015).
Ramamoorthy & Gurusany, 2015).
A list of the steps taken by nursing to develop and implement an EBP. 1. formulation of a clinical question; 2. gathering the best evidence to answer the clinical question;3. critical appraisal of the best evidence;4. integration of the evidence with the clinician 's own expertise, assessment of the patient 's condition, available healthcare resources, and the patient 's preferences and values to implement a clinical decision; and 5. evaluation of the practice change as a result of implementing the…
The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice Summary In the article “The Seven Steps of Evidence-Based Practice”, Bernadette M. Melnyk, distinguished foundation professor of nursing at the University of Arizona outlines the argument that despite of proven positive outcomes such as “improved patient outcome, reduced cost, and greater nurse satisfaction” of implementing the evidence-based practice, majority of nurses still remain reluctant in using EBP or use it in the irregular manner. The author suggests to implement the seven step EBP approach using the “PICOT” method. As the author claims that because of financial deficits, not all hospital able to adopt EBP; even if patients have achieved positive outcomes because of implementation of the EBP, majority of nurses refuse to share their experiences with other colleges; even if EBP brought positive outcomes during trials, there is no prove that it may be actual for clinical practice. In conclusion, the author suggests to create sort of feedback team to report EBP results to other health care organizations through local meetings, press conferences, or professional publications.…
The evidence-based practice guideline that I chose is titled, “Myocardial Infarction,” written by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. The intended users for this guideline are health care providers and physicians. The target population is individuals with suspected or known myocardial infarction. The objective of this guideline is to “collect, summarize, and update the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice” and “describe the scientific evidence underlying the given recommendations.” (Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, 2008)…
There are many personal and organizational obstacles which impede the professional nurse from using scientific evidence-based standards into practice. According to Schmidt and Brown ((2012) “studies have shown that nurses do not use EBP due to individual and organizational factors” (P.8). These include the lack of time, resistance to change and lack of skills. “Barriers such as nurses not valuing research, being resistant to change lack of time and resources.” Schmidt & Brown (2012).…
“EBP requires synthesizing research evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and these types of studies are limited in nursing. However, the number of RCTs conducted to test nursing interventions has greatly increased…” (Burns & Grove, 2011, p. 466).…
Nurses should use evidence-based practice (EBP) guidelines because the evidence retrieved in them is the most current, best evidence. EBP guidelines include clinician expertise, patient preferences, and desirable patient outcomes.“EBP closes the gap between research and practice, providing more reliable and predictable care than that based on tradition, opinion, and trial and error” (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, & Bucher, 2014, p 13). EBP guidelines are central to patient’s plan of care. These guidelines are validated by many evidence-based scientific studies such as evidence findings, data from quality improvement projects, and professional organization standards. They recommend the most appropriate clinical choices, treatments, and care for…
Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is defined as “The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external evidence from systematic research” (Gerrish & Lacey, 2010). EBP is critically important in today’s clinical settings because of its potential to save both nursing time and healthcare dollars (Gerrish & Lacey, 2010). Using the evidence to guide practice streamlines nursing care. Practices that are not necessary are eliminated, and ineffective practices are replaced with practices that result in the desired outcomes. Using research also decreases the need for trial-and-error methods for finding what works best. In each case, nursing time is not spent on ineffective procedures or trying…
The focus of this assignment is to look at Evidence Based Practice (EBP), why it is important for nursing to be evidence based and the barriers to implementation of EBP.…
professionals use the best evidence possible to make clinical decisions (Blais and Hayes, 2011). It involves complex and conscientious decision-making based not only on the available evidence but also on patient characteristics, situations, and preferences.…
Evidence based practice helps us to ensure that we are providing the best possible care to our patients. By basing our care on practices that have outcomes based on evidence just makes since. They have been tested and proven to be effective on patients. We don’t have to do trial and error to find out what works the best for our patients, the work has been done for us. This gives our patients the best care possible. Many changes have been made over the past 10 years based on evidence based practices. There are many resources available to nurses, nurse managers, administrators and others that provide research that has been completed. These resources include different kinds of studies that have been performed. They include cohort studies, case…
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been emphasized since the publication of the Institute of Medicine’s report “To Err Is Human”. Nurses should be able to not only provide standard care within the scope of practice but also deliver safe care based on the best EBP that is most up-to-date at that time. Furthermore, research is developed based on the current evidence-based practice. Research nurses work on new projects to conceptualize innovative ideas, generate literature research, and conduct clinical trials to develop new evidence-based practice. The reason why evidence-based practice and research are important is because health…
Nurses are expected to establish and make use of the best research evidence to enhance the clinical effectiveness of patient care and improve patients’ health outcomes. Barriers exists to knowledge of research utilization in their practice settings. In their study, Dalheim, Harthug, Nilsen and Nortvedt (2012), reported that inadequate time and resources to find research, unsupportive physicians, inaccessibility to information, and lack of authority to implement the finding, were the key barriers for nurses to use evidence based practice EBP (Dalheim et al, 2012). The barriers and assumption that evidence based research (EBR) is cumbersome make nurses to opt use of the gained knowledge from their experience in their practice instead of the advocated…
To recapitulate, this essay has demonstrated that EBP is research base practice and patient should receive care based on optimal scientific knowledge. However patient’s preferences and resources should be considered. It is responsibility of nurse to provide high quality of care to patient. It is important to have evidence in practice to save time, money and unexpected complications in patients. Although…
According to Masters (2017, p. 255), “evidence-based practice (EBP) is a mechanism that allows nurses to provide safe, high-quality patient care based on evidence grounded in research and professional expertise rather than tradition, myths, hunches, advice from peers, outdated textbooks, or even what the nurse learned in school 5, 10, 15 years ago”. EBP allows nurses to apply current evidence using advanced technology and expert knowledge appropriately. It also allows nurses to practice safely and efficiently while making sound decisions based on relevant research. I believe as a nurse EBP gives me a sense of confidence that allows me improve the quality of care delivered by utilizing my advanced education and knowledge of the nursing…
Patient safety and the quality of care provided is of the utmost importance. Therefore, it is important to use EBP because it provides us with protocol to follow that improves the quality of care and treatment that is provided to the client (Stevens, 2013). It does this by helping us discern which treatments are considered most effective based on past client’s experiences. EBP is rooted in gaining insight and knowledge. By taking knowledge and applying it in order to increase one’s performance in a clinical setting. The use of EBP became a major issue when problems in health care were causing harm to patients that could have been avoided (Stevens, 2013). EBP strives to improve patient care by increasing the probability that the treatment provided will lead to the desired health care outcome (Stevens,…