Using Goal Setting and the Six Principles of Persuasion to Motivate
For more than a generation employers have been attempting to solve the difficult task of motivating employees. In the early 1900’s the task concept was first introduced by Frederick W.
Taylor, along with time, motion study, and incentive pay, became the cornerstone of scientific management. After several decades the idea of goal setting was re-introduced under a new name, management by objectives, and became the blueprint for managers to motivate works. The next step in this evolution was using goal setting as a motivational tool. Through laboratory and field research if was found that workers assigned hard goals performed better than those workers assigned moderately difficult or easy goals. In addition, if the goals were specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed, they created greater motivation and provided clear expectation for workers expected to reach their goals.
Using Goal Setting and the Six Principles of Persuasion to Motivate The problem of motivating employees has been a difficult and frustrating task for employers for more than 100 years. One reason this problem has been so difficult to solve, is the fact that motivation ultimately comes from within each individual and therefore cannot be observed directly by supervisors. What could be observed was the low productivity of unmotivated workers and the destructive consequence it has on the workplace. There are several barriers to workplace productivity which are common to low productivity, including problems with measuring workload, employee working conditions, management style, and lack of employee motivation. Employers have used several incentives over the years, with money being the primary incentive, like job enrichment, behavior
References: Periodical: Latham, Gary P. & Locke, Edwin A. (1979) Goal Setting – A Motivational Technique That Works Online Periodical: Priya Johnson,, Goal Setting Theory Goal Setting Theory Arthur Rizer, Lincoln’s Counsel: Lessons from America’s Most Persuasive Speaker, Nov 2010 Robert B. Cialdini, Roselle. Wissler, Nicholas J. Schweitzer, The Science of Influence – Using six principles of persuasion to negotiate and mediate more effectively (Arbitration Ethics: A Chill Wind Blows) 2002 Robert B. Cialdina, Harnessing the Science of Persuasion, 2001 Berry M. Staw, Psychological Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 3rd Edition, 2004