Using Google
Using Google An extremely common source of information this day in age is the internet. Because of the internet and the increasing availability of wireless streaming of information, most people use it every day for multiple different types of tasks. Because of the massive amount of information that can be obtained through the internet, it is necessary to find information by using search engines such as Google. A search engine like Google will take keywords and search through a massive database to find the most likely results for whatever keywords were given. In order to keep the engine up to date, Google is constantly indexing new online pages and documents. Indexing is a form of online information gathering and labeling that adds to the possible results for future searches. By increasing the number of indexed pages, the chances of finding useful, credible results will also be increased. Even though Google does a fine job of amassing more and more information every day, it can still be difficult to find things using a search engine. For instance if a musical group decided to name themselves Big Fish, it would be highly unlikely that their band would be top results if a search was done with the keywords “big” and “fish”. Because of this, there are a few advanced tools that can be used to narrow a search to find something more specific. Directly to the right of the search box for Google, there is an “advanced search” hypertext link. Clicking on this link will lead to Google’s advanced search page. The advanced search gives many more boxes and windows to fill out in order to help narrow the search. The extra search functions in advanced search include exact phrases, words NOT found, language, file format, date and even domain. By filling out any of these options for an advanced search the search engine will take into account all the additional search option as well as any limitations chosen in order to return with more precise results. Another tool that
Cited: University Libraries Mathewson IGT Knowledge Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2012.
Huron CAP. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <
The Purdue Onling Writing Lab. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2012.