Due to the population explosion and the industrial revolution, our need for the electricity is drastically increasing. The fossil fuel we are using, however, is running short. Even though the supply is not a problem now, it will become sooner or later. Also, the deterioration rate of the Earth environment is alarming. The remediation must be taken immediately. For this, using more renewable energy is an ideal method to tackle the problems, reduce the global warming effect and provide a better living standard.
The nation all over the world has investigated the method to less rely on the fossil fuel. Hong Kong, being a part of the world, should also take the responsibility to do so. Many may wonder is Hong Kong potential enough to use more renewable energy? The answer is simple-why isn’t it?
Renewable Energy in Hong Kong
There are many types of renewable energy, hydropower, wind powers, solar energy, etc. However, developing renewable energy in Hong Kong always faces lots of problems and limitations. The factors such as capital, pollutants or technology required are the consideration in the process of developing the renewable energy. For example, as a small place with no indigenous resources such as land resources and geological location, Hong Kong cannot mainly rely on the large construction of plants. Upon reflection, developing Energy-from-Waste (EFW) would be a possible method to promote environmental friendly and highly adaptable in Hong Kong.
Working Principle
One of the method of energy-from-waste is converting the internal energy of municipal solid waste (MSW) into thermal energy and then electricity is generated. By way of municipal solid waste combustion, flue gases are produced with high temperature and the thermal energy can be used to raise steam to drive a turbo-generator to generate electricity.
Municipal solid waste combustion is not only a method of treatment and disposal of wastes but also can be used to recover a