Obtained from experienced TOK teachers working in specialist subject groups at the Madrid TOK conference November 2003.
Compiled by Geoffrey Neuss
Swedish A1 (Reporter: Håkon Kjellin, Täby Gymnasium, Sweden Hakan.Kjellin@tibble.taby.se)
• Are there correct and incorrect interpretations? Or is relativism absolute when interpreting texts? Is there such a thing as over-interpretation?
• What factors – individual psychological, cultural, historical, social –deter mine the interpretation?
• Comparing different models of interpretation: differences and similarities in the models of interpretation of different disciplines.
• Who ‘owns’ the text.? The author or the reader? If the latter: who is the creator?
• Language and reality: What kind of reality does a work of fiction create? What is the ontological status of characters in novels?
• The dichotomy: documentary-fiction versus fiction-fiction.
• Questions about the basics of philosophy of language: signifier – signified; the nature of hopes (metaphors etc)
• What is a symbol? How does a symbol work?
• What kind of knowledge - and about what – do we get from literature (fiction, drama and poetry)?
• What kind of authority is the author?
Some questions
• Can you talk about good or bad literature?
• What is behind the choice of books on the IB booklist?
• What does Strindborg have that no other Swedish playwright has?
(Recommended reading: Jorge Luis Borges! In his stories you can find illustrations for every TOK topic!)
English A1
Reporter: Fiona Guertler, International School of Düsseldorf, Germany guertlerf@isdedu.de 1. Become more familiar with TOK
• Inservice training days
• Observation of TOK lessons
• Invite a TOK teacher in to make links at the end (last 15 minutes?) of a lesson
• Use the TOK terms more actively (distribution of TOK diagram in classroom)
• If