IV Semester : I internals
Date : 08-03-2009 Sub Code:07MCA452 Time :9.15 – 10.45 am Faculty: Mohanaradhya Max marks:50
Note : Answer any FIVE full questions
1.a) Explain the differences between ANSI C and ISO C++ with examples 6 b) Write a program in C to check whether a given system is ANSI C complaint or not. 4
2.a) What is an API ? How it is different from ‘C’ library functions 6 b) What are the common characteristics among APIs? List any four error status codes assigned to errno by an API . 4
3.a) Describe the data structures and proceedings involved in file management. 8 b) Explain the POSIX/ UNIX environment to develop a POSIX compatible application 2
4..a) Discuss the differences between C stream pointer and file descriptor 5 b) Explain the user mode and kernel mode of process execution 5
5.a)Differentiate between Hard link and soft link 5 b) Write a program in C/C++ to check POSIX features 5
6.a) Explain the purpose of read, write and execute permissions for directories. In particular, why do you want directories to be executable? 5 b) What is the need of FIFO files in a system? At what point will a system pipe entity be deleted?
7. a) List and explain the POSIX feature test macros 5 b) List the attributes of a file that changes and list the corresponding command and system call 5
8. Write a short note on a) POSIX standard b) File Types