Looking at this situation using an other ethical theory like relativism, where it is believed morals come from social norms. Society says that cheating is wrong, it is what most people have been taught from a young age, meaning that this goes against the social norm, which means that it is not a morally good act according to relativism. In this situation a relative thinker would say that that action of cheating is wrong and the person performing the act knows that it is wrong, therefore …show more content…
If the young man insisted on using the cheated score, then doing good would be reporting him so that he is not able to use the dishonest scores. Doing no harm would be if the young man used the cheated scores but still didn’t get in, then people could just turn a blind eye to it, because it didn’t hurt anyone. The best standard to use in this situation to use would be to do the good thing because either way he cheated. The result of his cheating could mean that another person applying to the school might not get in because the school thinks that the young man who cheated did better, when really it was the other way