
Utilitarianism Vs Utility Principle

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Utilitarianism Vs Utility Principle
Utilitarianism can be classified in two distinct ways, act and rule. In these ways the utility principle is applied differently. Act-Utilitarianism is concerned with treating each moral situation as unique; therefore, applied the utility principle to each act. The Fundamentals of Ethics states, “Rule-utilitarianism is the version of rule consequentialism that says that well-being is the only thing of intrinsic value” (Shafer-Landau, Russ G-6). This means rule-utilitarianism draws up general rules based on the utility principle. Furthermore, rules are right if they produce greatest happiness for the greatest number.
According to act utilitarianism, well-being is the only thing that is intrinsically valuable. And faring poorly is the only thing
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According to The Fundamentals of Ethics, “Rule utilitarianism is the version of rule consequentialism that says that well-being is the only thing of intrinsic value” (Shafer-Landau, Russ G-6). Added that the action is correct as it accommodates to a rule which leads to the greatest good. Giving Jinx the experimental drug would be more valuable than to Riven by reason of rule utilitarianism since her research could aid the masses more than Riven being unlikely to recover without the drug. In addition, she is an unsuccessful artist, has a family and regularly contributes large amounts of money to local …show more content…
I won’t seek this element in favor of the utilitarian. Comparatively, I want to consider further just how straightforward act utilitarianism goes wrong in Riven’s case. Utilitarian considerations of good consequences seem to leave out something that is ethically critical. Specifically, in this case, it leaves out a legitimate view for Riven as person with a desire of her own. This problem case of utilitarian moral theory seems to point against the need for a non-Utilitarianism seems to fall short in failing to manage respect for people. I find a compelling reason here for renouncing utilitarianism as an outright moral theory. Although this is not to reject that producing happiness is influential from an ethical standpoint. One can take the utilitarian theory to apprehend something that is important about acting well even while taking consideration for persons to nullify utilitarian reasons in cases like Riven’s where there is a

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